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Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 42,70

Wijkenaanpak en ondermijnende criminaliteit

2015 || Paperback || P.W. Tops e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

Overheidsbeleid om de economie en de sociale of fysieke kwaliteit van kwetsbare wijken te verbeteren (de 'wijkenaanpak') kan niet zonder een voortvarende aanpak van de georganiseerde misdaad. Het gaat om 'eerlijke kansen' voor mensen in achterstandsbuurten, maar evengoed is het belangrijk dat er een 'pakkans' is voor georganiseerde criminelen. Georganiseerde misdaad is een groot maatschappelijke probleem. In sommige wijken is vrijwel zeker meer crimineel geld dan legaal geld aanwezig. Er onts...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Foundations of Strategy / 2nd edition

2015 || Paperback || Robert M. Grant e.a. || John Wiley & Sons Inc

Foundations of Strategy, second edition is a concise text aimed at both undergraduate and Masters students. Written in an accessible style with the needs of these students in mind, the latest edition has a clear, comprehensive approach, underlined by sound theoretical depth.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Classroom Discourse Analysis / 2nd edition

A Tool for Critical Reflection

2015 || Paperback || Betsy Rymes || Routledge

This second edition of Classroom Discourse Analysis continues to make techniques widely used in the field of discourse analysis accessible to a broad audience and illustrates their practical application in the study of classroom talk, ideal for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in discourse analysis, applied linguistics, and anthropology and education. Grounded in a unique tripartite "dimensional approach," individual chapters investigate interactional resources that model forms...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Key Issues in Historical Theory

2015 || Paperback || Herman Paul || Taylor & Francis

Key Issues in Historical Theory is a fresh, clear and well-grounded introduction to this vibrant field of inquiry, incorporating many examples from novels, paintings, music, and political debates. The book expertly engages the reader in discussions of what history is, how people relate to the past and how they are formed by the past. Over 11 thematically-based chapters, Herman Paul discusses subjects such as:history, memory and traumahistorical experience and narrativemoral and political dime...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Catalogue des idées reçues sur les langues

2015 || Paperback || Marina Yaguello || POINTS

La diversité des langues, souvent perçue comme une malédiction, en particulier par les utopistes inventeurs de langues universelles, est en fait une richesse, un trésor dont nous n'avons pas fini de faire l'inventaire.»

Loin du jargon rébarbatif des linguistes, Marina Yaguello débusque les idées reçues sur la langue et leur tord le cou avec malice. Chaque forme de langage est considérée comme une source irremplaçable de culture, et l'invraisemblable richesse, la formidable diversi...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Definitive Guide to ARM® Cortex®-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors / 2nd edition

2015 || Paperback || Joseph Yiu || Elsevier

The Definitive Guide to the ARM® Cortex®-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors, Second Edition explains the architectures underneath ARM's Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors and their programming techniques. . Written by ARM's Senior Embedded Technology Manager, Joseph Yiu, the book is packed with examples on how to use the features in the Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ processors. It provides detailed information on the instruction set architecture, how to use a number of popular development suites, an ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Events and Sustainability / 1st edition

2015 || Paperback || Kirsten Holmes e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Increasing concerns over climate and environmental change, the global economic and financial crisis and impacts on host communities, audiences, participants and destinations has reinforced the need for more sustainable approaches to events. Sustainability now features as part of the bid process for many mega-events, such as the Olympic Games, as well as significant regional and local events, where the event organisers are required by funding bodies and governments to generate broader outcomes...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Teaching Secondary Science / 4th edition

Constructing Meaning and Developing Understanding

2015 || Paperback || Keith Ross e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The fourth edition of Teaching Secondary Science has been fully updated and includes a wide range of new material. This invaluable resource offers a new collection of sample lesson plans and includes two new chapters covering effective e-learning and advice on supporting learners with English as a second language. It continues as a comprehensive guide for all aspects of science teaching, with a focus on understanding pupils alternative frameworks of belief, the importance of developing or cha...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course

Crossing Cultural Boundaries

2015 || Paperback || Kunshan Carolyn Lee e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course: Crossing Cultural Boundaries is an innovative multimedia course for advanced students of Chinese. Written by a team of highly experienced instructors, the book offers advanced learners the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of Chinese through a wide range of activities designed to build up both excellent language skills and cultural literacy. Divided into four thematic units covering popular culture, social change, cultural traditions,...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 25,18

Containers, op- en overslag

2023 || Paperback || Kees Benning || STC Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

Containers, op- en overslag is een uniek en compleet handboek over containers. Het boek behandelt uiteenlopende aspecten van containers, inclusief verschillende typen containers, krachten, werktuigen, vastzetten en veiligheid. Daarbij is er veel aandacht voor de op- en overslag. Door aandacht te besteden aan theorie, maar vooral aan praktijk is het boek bijzonder geschikt voor het havenonderwijs. Daarnaast biedt het verdieping aan diegenen die al werkzaam zijn in de haven.

Containers, op-en o...