Studieboeken (67)
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Business Partner B1+ Coursebook & eBook with MyEnglishLab
2021 || Paperback || Iwona Dubicka || Pearson
Business Partner is flexibel en modulair opgebouwd, bevat functionele taal én heel veel oefenmateriaal op het gebied van zakelijk Engels. Deze methode Engels heeft interessante, dynamische lessen die voor veel interactiviteit in het klaslokaal zorgen. Engelse vaardigheden worden grondig behandeld samen met soft business skills die nodig zijn voor iedereen die in een internationale omgeving wil gaan werken.
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2024 || Paperback || Alexander C. Alvarez e.a. || SAGE Publications, Inc
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Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding
2024 || Paperback || Graham A. Peacock e.a. || Learning Matters
All the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science.
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The Mental Capacity Act 2005
2024 || Paperback || Robert Brown e.a. || Learning Matters
All helping professionals need to be aware of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its implications for their practice and this text clearly spells out these implications. Mental health professionals and other workers with adults would be wise to have a copy of this text close to hand to help inform their practice.Â
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Analyzing Text and Discourse
2024 || Paperback || Anders Björkvall e.a. || SAGE
An anthology of textual analysis methodologies, this book outlines the advantages and challenges of each approach and demonstrates how to use it so readers have both the tools to decide which methodology would work best for them and the understanding of how to implement it successfully. Â
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Maatwerkeditie Boekhouden voor het hbo deel 2: theorie en opgaven
2020 || Paperback || Boom
Dit is een maatwerkeditie samengesteld voor de HAN met delen uit Boekhouden voor het hbo deel 2 Theorie en opgavenboek (derde druk) en geeft ook toegang tot de bijbehorende website.
Boekhouden voor het hbo is een serie boeken voor het economische onderwijs in het hbo. Dit tweede deel behandelt twee grote onderdelen van het vak: boekhouden voor industriële ondernemingen (deel A) en fiscale verslaggeving, deelnemingen en consolidatie, fusies en overname (deel B).
Boekhouden voor het hbo is ee...
Global Problems, Global Solutions
2024 || Paperback || JoAnn A. Chirico || SAGE Publications, Inc
A global look at social problems, using the UN′s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a framework.
Market Leader Intermediate CourseBook w/ DVD-ROM & eBook & MyEnglishLab
2021 || Paperback || D. Cotton || Pearson
Market Leader Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. New business skills lessons develop the business skills students need for working in business.
Understanding Syntax / 5th edition
2019 || Paperback || Tallerman || Taylor & Francis
Assuming no prior grammatical knowledge, Understanding Syntax explains and illustrates the major concepts, categories and terminology involved in the study of cross-linguistic syntax. Taking a theory-neutral and descriptive viewpoint throughout, this book: introduces syntactic typology, syntactic description and the major typological categories found in the languages of the world; clarifies with examples grammatical constructions and relationships between words in a clause, including word cla...
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments / 3rd edition
2014 || Paperback || Lowe || Taylor & Francis
This third edition of Reconstructing Quaternary Environments has been completely revised and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes during the Quaternary. The evidence is extremely diverse ranging from landforms and sediments to fossil assemblages and geochemical data, and includes new data from terrestrial, marine and ice-core records. Dating methods are described and evaluated, while the principles and practices of Quaternary stratigraphy are also...