Studieboeken (18)
Handbook of Coaching Psychology / 2nd edition
A Guide for Practitioners
2018 || Paperback || Stephen Palmer || Taylor & Francis
The Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A Guide for Practitioners provides a clear and extensive guide to the theory, research and practice of coaching psychology. In this new and expanded edition, an international selection of leading coaching psychologists and coaches outlines recent developments from a broad spectrum of areas. Part One examines perspectives and research in coaching psychology, looking at both the past and the present as well as assessing future directions.
Part Two presents a...
Onderzoekend vermogen ontwikkelen bij studenten / Druk 1
Een methodiek voor hbo-docenten
2018 || Paperback || Miriam Losse || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Hoe kun je onderzoek op een toegankelijke wijze integreren in het onderwijs? En hoe stimuleer je het onderzoekend vermogen van studenten? Onderzoekend vermogen ontwikkelen bij studenten helpt u bij deze vragen.
Hierbij staan de beroepsproducten centraal die de toekomstige professionals leveren in hun beroep. Of het nu gaat om een behandelplan, interieurontwerp, software, veiligheidsadvies, marketinganalyse of een bewegingssensor, het zijn allemaal voorbeelden van beroepsproducten met een eige...
Digital Criminology
Crime and Justice in Digital Society
2018 || Paperback || Anastasia Powell e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The infusion of digital technology into contemporary society has had significant effects for everyday life and for everyday crimes. Digital Criminology: Crime and Justice in Digital Society is the first interdisciplinary scholarly investigation extending beyond traditional topics of cybercrime, policing and the law to consider the implications of digital society for public engagement with crime and justice movements. This book seeks to connect the disparate fields of criminology, sociology, l...
The Social Psychology of Ethnic Identity / 2nd edition
2018 || Paperback || Maykel Verkuyten || Taylor & Francis
In contrast to other disciplines, social psychology has been slow in responding to the questions posed by the issue of ethnicity. The Social Psychology of Ethnic Identity, Second Edition, demonstrates the important and diverse contribution that social psychology can make. Comprehensively updated to include the latest research on dual and multiple identities, mutual links between sense of ethnic identity and social contexts, and the development of ethnic identity in adolescence, this new editi...
Sluipend gif
Een onderzoek naar ondermijnende criminaliteit
2021 || Paperback || Jerôme Lam e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Ondermijning is inmiddels een gevestigd begrip in de misdaadbestrijding. Ondermijnende criminaliteit tast de fundamenten van de open samenleving aan. Het is niet nieuw, al doet de vele publiciteit voor dit fenomeen dat soms wel denken. Ondermijning en de effecten daarvan zijn ook niet altijd goed zichtbaar. Herkenning vergt een zekere mate van bewustwording. De aanpak van ondermijning is niet alleen aan politie en justitie voorbehouden. Veel meer is een integrale aanpak gewenst waarbij alle m...
Engaging Anthropological Theory / 2nd edition
A Social and Political History
2018 || Paperback || Mark Moberg || Taylor & Francis
This updated second edition of Mark Moberg's lively book offers a fresh look at the history of anthropological theory. Covering key concepts and theorists, Engaging Anthropological Theory examines the historical context of anthropological ideas and the contested nature of anthropology itself. Anthropological ideas regarding human diversity have always been rooted in the sociopolitical conditions in which they arose and exploring them in context helps students understand how and why they evolv...
White-Collar Crime
An Opportunity Perspective
2018 || Paperback || Michael L. Benson e.a. || Taylor & Francis
White-Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective analyzes white-collar crime within a coherent theoretical framework. Using the opportunity perspective, which assumes that all crimes depend on offenders recognizing an opportunity to commit an offense, the authors uncover the processes and situational conditions that facilitate white-collar crimes. In addition, they offer potential solutions to this persistent and widespread social problem without being reductive in their treatment of the diffic...
Theorizing Digital Cultures
2018 || Paperback || Grant David Bollmer || SAGE
Explaining how digital media affect identities, bodies, social relations, artistic practices and the environment, this book helps students understand the key theoretical approaches in the field.