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Zakgids Vogels van Nederland en Belgiƫ / Druk 13 (Heruitgave)
herkenning, kijktips, trefkans
2022 || Hardcover || Luc Hoogenstein e.a. || KNNV Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
De ideale vogelgids voor wandelingen en vogelexcursies. Nu uitgebreid met nieuwe soorten en illustraties en biotoopplaten van Elwin van der Kolk. Past in elke binnenzak en helpt je om alle algemene soorten broedvogels, zomer- en wintergasten en doortrekkers gemakkelijk te herkennen.
De zakgids bevat compacte en overzichtelijke informatie over de belangrijkste uiterlijke kenmerken, gedrag, zang en habitat.
- Ruim 300 inheemse vogelsoorten doeltreffend herkennen
- Veldkenmerken, vliegbeelden en...
Open(ing) Spaces
Design as Landscape Architecture
2014 || Hardcover || Hans Loidl e.a. || Birkhauser
"What does the landscape architect actually do as a design?" The authors investigate this seemingly simple question. What resources are available for designing open spaces? What part is played by conditions deriving from nature? How are locations and spaces created in the open air, how are paths routed and boundaries set, how are hard and soft materials used? Drawing on practical and theoretical experience, this introduction, often used as a textbook, reveals the central components of design ...
Hodges Harbrace Handbook / 19th edition
2016 Mla Update
2017 || Hardcover || Cheryl Glenn e.a. || Cengage Learning
Improve your writing skills with THE HODGES HARBRACE HANDBOOK, 19th Edition! Learn how to write effectively, choose the best information, arrange it well, and use the most appropriate language when writing for a particular audience. This grammar-first handbook provides complete coverage of writing essentials to help you develop the skills you need to be a successful college writer, including grammar, style, punctuation, mechanics, writing, and research. This edition has been updated to reflec...
Food Physics
Physical Properties - Measurement and Applications
2007 || Hardcover || Ludger Figura e.a. || Springer
This is the first textbook in this field of increasing importance for the food and cosmetics industries. It is indispensable for future students of food technology and food chemistry as well as for engineers, technologists and technicians in the food industries. It describes the principles of food physics starting with the very basics - and focuses on the needs of practitioners without omitting important basic principles.
It will be indispensable for future students of food technology and foo...
Dairy Science and Technology / 2nd Edition
2005 || Hardcover || P. Walstra e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Building upon the scope of its predecessor, Dairy Science and Technology, Second Edition offers the latest information on the efficient transformation of milk into high-quality products. It focuses on the principles of physical, chemical, enzymatic, and microbial transformations. The authors, highly regarded educators and researchers, divide the content of this book into four parts.
Part I, Milk, discusses the chemistry, physics, and microbiology of milk. In addition to providing knowledge of...
Stadsbomen Vademecum 4 / 6e editie
Boomsoorten en Gebruikswaarde
2023 || Hardcover || J.J.C. Janssen || IPC Groene Ruimte
Om te kunnen zorgen dat bomen op de juiste plaats worden geplant en daar hun hele leven kunnen blijven staan, is het van belang te weten welke eisen de verschillende boomsoorten stellen. Daarnaast is kennis van de groeiwijze en van de seizoensaspecten zoals uitlopen, bloei, vruchtdracht en herfstkleuren van belang.
De juiste boom op de juiste plaats kan volledig uitgroeien en vereist minimale verzorging. Stadsbomen Vademecum 4: Boomsoorten en gebruikswaarde geeft van de meeste in Nederland br...
Forensische wetenschap
studies over forensische kennis en organisatie
2015 || Hardcover || A.P.A. Broeders e.a. || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management / 2nd edition
A Sustainability Perspective
2018 || Hardcover || Mickey Howard e.a. || Taylor & Francis
For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to expl...