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Studieboeken (65)
International Organizations Perspectives on Global Governance
Perspectives on Global Governance
2018 || Paperback || Kelly-Kate S. Pease || Taylor & Francis
Drawing on mainstream and critical theoretical approaches, International Organizations offers a comprehensive examination of international organizations' political and structural role in world politics. This text details the types and activities of international organizations and provides students with the conceptual tools needed to evaluate their effectiveness. Surveying key issue areas from international and human security to trade and the environment, International Organizations looks at p...
What is Europe? / 2nd Edition
2022 || Paperback || Anna Triandafyllidou e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This authoritative yet accessible introduction to understanding Europe today moves beyond accounts of European integration to provide a wide-ranging and nuanced study of contemporary Europe and its historical development. This fully updated edition adds material on recent developments, such as Brexit and the migrant and Eurozone crises. The concept of Europe is instilled with a plethora of social, cultural, economic, and political meanings.
Throughout history, and still today, scholars writin...
Edito A2 Méthode de français / 2e édition
Cahier d'activités
2022 || Paperback || Didier
- S'immerger dans le français de la vie quotidienne et découvrir les réalités francophones dans des documents authentiques didactisés. - S'adapter à différentes situations de classe : grande liberté et souplesse d'utilisation. - Comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue grâce à un apprentissage guidé de la grammaire. - S'entrainer au DELF/DALF avec une préparation progressive - Optimiser la mémorisation du lexique grâce aux pages " vocabulaire " : exploitation créative et ludiq...
Geschäftliche Begegnungen B1+
2023 || Paperback || Ingrid Grigull || Schubert-Verlag
Geschäftliche Begegnungen B1+ ist ein modernes und kommunikatives Lehrwerk für motivierte erwachsene Lerner, die Deutsch im beruflichen Alltag rezeptiv und produktiv beherrschen wollen. Es schließt an Geschäftliche Begegnungen A2+ an.
Geschäftliche Begegnungen B1+ berücksichtigt die sprachlichen und grammatischen Anforderungen erwachsener Lerner auf dem Niveau B1 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen. Wichtige grammatische Aspekte der Sprachniveaus A1 und A2 werden wiederholt ...
Understanding European Union Law / 8th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Karen Davies e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Providing short, clear and accessible explanations of the main areas of EU law, Understanding European Union Law is both an ideal introduction for students new to EU law and an essential addition to revision for the more accomplished. This eighth edition has been fully revised and updated with the latest legislative changes and includes an in-depth discussion of 'Brexit' and its implications for EU-UK relations. The book provides readers with a clear understanding of the structures and ration...
American Civilization / 8th edition
An Introduction
2021 || Paperback || David Mauk e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Fully updated throughout to include recent themes and events such as the 2020 election and 2021 Presidential inauguration, providing students with a current overview of US politics and society. Chapters on geography, women and minorities, and the media have been comprehensively revised to incorporate more information on such themes as environmental legislation, the LGBTQ+ community, social media and people, key themes in the study of American culture and society today, ensuring students get a...
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
An Introduction
2021 || Paperback || John Storey || Taylor & Francis
In this ninth edition of his award-winning introduction, John Storey presents a clear and critical survey of competing theories of, and various approaches to, popular culture. Its breadth and theoretical unity, exemplified through popular culture, means that it can be flexibly and relevantly applied across a number of disciplines. Retaining the accessible approach of previous editions and using appropriate examples from the texts and practices of popular culture, this new edition remains a ke...
Wir Orientieren uns in Deutschland Topografisches Arbeitsheft
Topographische Übungshefte. Neubearbeitung. 5./6. Schuljahr. Karten, Rätsel, Spiele
2021 || Paperback || Otto Berger e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag || met inkijkexemplaar
Wir orientieren uns ist schulformübergreifend und lehrbuchunabhängig einzusetzen. In den Heften werden die Räume Deutschland, Europa und die Welt für die Klassenstufen 5/6, 7/8 und 9/10 behandelt. Die Arbeitsaufträge sind durch Rätsel, Spiele, Quizfragen und stumme Karten äußerst abwechslungsreich. Eine Testseite Prüfe dein Wissen schließt jede Einheit ab.
European Identity and Culture
Narratives of Transnational Belonging
2016 || Paperback || Markus Thiel || Taylor & Francis
As the EU continues its integration process, the concepts of culture and transnational European belonging remain ambivalent, whether in the realm of socio-historical representation or mass politics. Engaging with recent scholarly debates surrounding the formation of collective transnational identities, this collection draws on the latest empirical case studies to explore the meaning and composition of European identity, the mechanisms that create and shape it and the question of whom it inclu...
Grammaire progressive du français - niveau débutant / 3e édition
Livre + CD audio + appli
|| Paperback || Maïa Grégoire || Intertaal
Grammaire progressive du Français A1 (3e édition) niveau débutant is een leer- en oefenboek Franse grammatica voor jongeren en volwassenen met heldere uitleg van alle belangrijke grammaticaregels. Met praktische oefeningen.
Grammaire progressive du Français A1 is bedoeld voor beginners op niveau A1.
leer- en oefenboek
heldere uitleg van alle belangrijke grammaticaregels met praktische oefeningen
voor klassikaal gebruik en voor zelfstudie
bevat een audio-cd met mp3’s
met online materiaal