
Paperback (41)
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Studieboeken (42)

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English Grammar in Use Book with Answers and Interactive e-book / 5th ed.

A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English

2019 || Paperback || Raymond Murphy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar

Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet.

It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.

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Macmillan English Grammar In Context - Advanced with Key

2018 || Paperback || S. Clarke || Macmillan

The Student's Book takes students from the traditional practice of grammar forms through to topic-based practice exercises. Grammar is clearing presented and explained at each level with review sections assessing student understanding and providing extra practice. The CD-ROM contains a glossary, extra practice for each unit and printable tests.

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Life on the Refrigerator Door

2015 || Paperback || Alice Kuipers || Macmillan

Mom, I went to the store. See inside the fridge. I watered the plants.

I cleaned out Peter's cage. I tidied the sitting room. And the kitchen.

And I did the washing up. I'm going to bed. Your live-in servant, Claire Life on the Refrigerator Door is told exclusively through notes exchanged by Claire and her mother, Elizabeth, during the course of a life-altering year.

Their story builds to an emotional crescendo when Elizabeth is diagnosed with breast cancer. Stunningly sad but ultimately upli...

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Aspects of the USA

American history, culture, and society for learners of English

2020 || Paperback || David Marler e.a. || Hogeschool Rotterdam

No single country has had a larger impact on the past century than America; and most experts agree that the role of English as a world language is due in part to the world's largest economy and third largest country, the United States. But the America of today is also a coutnry of contradictions. It is a country born out of peace and progress, but also out of violence and revolt. Aspects of the USA offers students of English and EFL teachers a broad introduction to the United States, includin...

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Things Fall Apart

2006 || Paperback || Chinua Achebe || Penguin

Okonowo is the greatest warrior alive. His fame has spread like a bushfire in West Africa and he is one of the most powerful men of his clan.But he also has a fiery temper. Determined not to be like his father, he refuses to show weakness to anyone - even if the only way he can master his feelings is with his fists.

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How to Survive Everything

2021 || Paperback || Ewan Morrison || Saraband

"One of the most provocative, intelligent and original novelists working in Britain today." Irvine Welsh. My dad taught us to be prepared for whatever was coming. He said we should know the facts about how long we could survive without food, water or fresh air, and to remember that we couldn't live at all without hope.

It was better, he said, to be ahead of the game. Better to be ten years too early than one minute too late. That's why he did what he did, on that morning ...

Inspired by her f...

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Aspects of the United Kingdom

British History, Culture and Society for Learners of English

2023 || Paperback || Francis O'Brien || Hogeschool Rotterdam

Aspects of the United Kingdom offers students of English and EFL teachers essential information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Readers will learn about the history and cultures of the nations of the British Isles and see how they have helped shaped the country today. There is also a focus on contemporary Britain, offering the student an understanding of hot-topic issues in the UK.

Topics covered are:

- Cultures and Identities of the nations of the United Kingdom

- Peoples of the ...

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met 5% korting 33,20

Handboek taalgericht vakonderwijs / Druk 4

2020 || Paperback || Maaike Hajer e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook

De taalvaardigheid van de leerlingen speelt een cruciale rol in het onderwijs. Leraren die aandacht hebben voor de rol van taal in hun vak, kunnen hun leerlingen met praktische middelen toegang geven tot dat vak én voorbereiden op de hoge taaleisen die de maatschappij aan hen stelt. Ook in hun toekomst is het immers essentieel dat leerlingen op niveau kunnen redeneren en formuleren, in hun vak en daarbuiten.

Een taalgerichte vakdidactiek helpt leraren om hun onderwijs op hoog niveau te blijv...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 41,33

Identiteitsontwikkeling en leerlingbegeleiding / Druk 6

Een praktijkgericht boek

2021 || Paperback || Jacob de Wilde e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook

In de adolescentie stellen jongeren vragen als ‘Wie ben ik?’, ‘Wat kan ik?’ en ‘Wat wil ik?’ Door de vele invloeden waar jongeren vandaag de dag mee te maken krijgen, zijn het vinden van de antwoorden op deze vragen en daarmee het actief vormgeven van een eigen identiteit van groot belang. Om adolescenten hierin te kunnen begeleiden, is het nodig dat professionals die met hen werken goed inzicht hebben in dit proces.

Identiteitsontwikkeling en leerlingbegeleiding beschrijft de ont...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 33,20

Leefwerelden van jongeren / Druk 3

Thuis, school, media en digitale cultuur

2019 || Paperback || Joke Hermes e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook

In welke werelden bewegen jongeren zich? Waar hechten zij waarde aan? Wat betekenen sociale media voor hen en hoe maken zij er gebruik van? Leefwerelden van jongeren gaat over het dagelijkse leven van jongeren: thuis, op school, met hun vrienden en als grootgebruikers van media en digitale cultuur. Het boek is geschreven vanuit het perspectief van jongeren, zichtbaar gemaakt via voorbeelden en illustraties uit (inter)nationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek, berichtgeving in de (sociale) media e...