› Bachelor Vertalen Enge... (3)
› Engels (3)
› European Food Business (2)
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› Hogeschool Rotterdam (5)
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Studieboeken (39)
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Market Leader / 3rd Edition
Extra Pre-Intermediate Student's Book & eBook. With Online Practice, Digital Resources & DVD Pack
2020 || Paperback || David Cotton || Pearson
Market Leader Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. New business skills lessons develop the business skills students need for working in business.
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Aspects of the United Kingdom
British History, Culture and Society for Learners of English
2023 || Paperback || Francis O'Brien || Hogeschool Rotterdam
Aspects of the United Kingdom offers students of English and EFL teachers essential information about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Readers will learn about the history and cultures of the nations of the British Isles and see how they have helped shaped the country today. There is also a focus on contemporary Britain, offering the student an understanding of hot-topic issues in the UK.
Topics covered are:
- Cultures and Identities of the nations of the United Kingdom
- Peoples of the ...
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Market Leader Extra Advanced Coursebook
2021 || Paperback || Margaret O'Keeffe || Pearson
Student Course Book Authentic texts from the Financial Times and other sources develop reading skills and provide essential business vocabulary. Interviews with business people and experts develop listening skills, such as prediction, listening for specific information and note taking. Language Work develops students' awareness of common problem areas and introduces grammatical concepts.
Teaching English Grammar
What to Teach and How to Teach it
2010 || Paperback || Jim Scrivener || Macmillan
The perfect companion for both trainees and teacher trainers following courses such as the Cambridge CELTA, and the Trinity Certificate in TESOL, as well as teachers who are unsure of how to present grammar or those who are looking for new ways to present it. Teaching English Grammar aims to combine language information and methodological help in a straightforward, authoritative way and thus help English language teachers prepare and deliver grammar lessons within their syllabus. The book pro...
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NU Engels 3/4 leerwerkboek / Druk 2
2018 || Paperback || Noordhoff
Bereid uw studenten optimaal voor op de mbo- examens Engels!
NU Engels is een complete en flexibele methode en bestaat uit twee leerwerkboeken en een digitale omgeving. NU Engels is geschreven voor Engels op de mbo-niveaus 2/3 en 3/4. U kunt er klassikaal mee werken of studenten individueel aan het werk zetten; met meer of minder inzet van NU Engels online. Kiezen voor NU Engels levert u straks het beste studieresultaat. Inmiddels maken al ruim 200.000 studenten enthousiast gebruik van de NU ...
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Basisvaardigheden Engels / Druk 2
2015 || Paperback || Marianne van Vlierden e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Basisvaardigheden Engelshelpt (aankomende) hbo-studenten hun vaardigheden op het gebied van het Engels op niveau te brengen. De methode is zo opgezet dat studenten door middel van zelfstudie hun deficiënties kunnen wegwerken.
- Geschikt voor zelfstudie;
- voor alle hbo-opleidingen;
- duidelijke praktijkvoorbeelden.
"Zeer handzaam, beknopt en bruikbaar boek."
Docent - Landstede MBO
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Van tekst naar text / druk 1
Taal- en vertaalvaardigheid Engels
2014 || Paperback || Aletta Dorst e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Van tekst naar text is een vertaalboek dat veel meer biedt dan alleen vertalingen. Met dit boek bevorderen studenten via vertalen de vertaalvaardigheid, taalvaardigheid, het taalbewustzijn én het taalgevoel van het Engels. Specifieke moeilijkheden van verschillende soorten teksten komen aan bod, met aandacht voor culturele verschillen.
De duidelijke opbouw van het boek biedt studenten houvast bij het maken van een eindvertaling. Van tekst naar text bestaat uit 8 hoofdstukken die elk een tek...
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English Grammar through Dutch Eyes / Druk 1
2018 || Paperback || Tony Foster e.a. || Coutinho
To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learning these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where our book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Grammar through Dutch Eyes is a contrastive English grammar. Its focus on the differences with Dutch makes it easier for Dutch-speaking students to learn the rules of English. It also gives teachers and future teachers an idea of which areas ...
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Righting English that's gone Dutch / Druk 3
2013 || Paperback || Joy Burrough-Boenisch || Kemper Conseil Publishing Consultancy || met inkijkexemplaar
Written English that's gone Dutch - Dunglish - contains carry-overs from Dutch language and follows Dutch conventions of layout and style. It's produced by Dutch native speakers and sometimes by English native speakers living in the Netherlands who've assimilated Dutch ways. Using examples she's collected, Joy Burrough takes a sideways look at what gets unintentionally transferred from Dutch to English, and why, and compares Dutch conventions with those in British and American English. The re...
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Dynamic Presentations Student's Book with Audio CDs (2)
2014 || Paperback || Mark Powell || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Aimed at today's busy executives and those studying for or wishing to further their careers in business, Dynamic Presentations looks at what constitutes a successful, motivating presentation and gives learners an insight into the essential skills and techniques they will need to ensure their presentations are both motivating and memorable. The Student's Book comes with two Audio CDs containing all the audio material used on the course. A Dynamic Presentations DVD is also available, with exper...