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Studieboeken (524)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Learning Theories Simplified / 3rd edition

...and how to apply them to teaching

2023 || Paperback || Bob Bates || SAGE

Written for busy teachers, trainers, managers and students, this 'dip-in, dip-out' guide makes understanding theories of learning accessible and practical.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Introduction to Geospatial Technology (International Edition)

2023 || Paperback || Bradley A. Shellito || Macmillan

A foundational introduction to the field with the latest in geographic technologies.

Introduction to Geospatial Technologies demonstrates the wide range of geographic technologies available to and used by geographers today. Each chapter contains an introduction to the key concepts and a lab activity, so that in addition to gaining a basic foundation of knowledge, students also obtain hands-on experience with the relevant software.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Flawless Consulting / 4th edition

A Guide to Getting Your Exper tise Used

2023 || Hardcover || Block || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, prolific author and renowned consultant Peter Block delivers the latest version of his bestselling book. He offers an intuitive and insightful distillation of research and over fifty years of firsthand experience, walking you through the skills, tools, and behaviors you'll need to employ to find success in the wide world of consulting. The book is a deep and contemporary discussion of what you ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Use of Force and International Law / 2nd edition

2023 || Paperback || Christian Henderson || Cambridge University Press

Newly revised, this textbook provides an authoritative conceptual and practical overview of international law governing the resort to force. Following an introductory chapter, with a section on the key issues in identifying the law and actual and potential changes to it, the book addresses the breadth and scope of the prohibition of the threat or use of force and the meaning of 'force' as the focus of this. The book proceeds to address the use of force through the United Nations and regional ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist / 7th Edition

2023 || Paperback || Rima Ph.D. CCC-SLP Abou-Khalil e.a. || Elsevier

The concise, easy-to-understand Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist, 7th Edition provides you with a practical guide for the study and understanding of neurology as it relates to human communication and the study of speech-language pathology (SLP). Correlated with clinical syndromes and diseases seen in SLP, it gives you a solid understanding of the nervous system, including development of the nervous system, organization of the brain, protective mechanisms, descending motor and asc...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy / 4th edition

2023 || Paperback || Michael Heinrich e.a. || Elsevier

Pharmacognosy, the science of nature-derived drugs, pharmaceuticals, and poisons, played a crucial role in the development of modern medicine, and now has an equally important place in healthcare all over the world. This wide scope ranges from traditional medicine systems and herbal and nutritional therapies, the preparation and use of highly standardised and clinically tested herbal medicines, to the production of potent drugs used only in a purified form. Natural sources mainly focus on pla...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Rang & Dale's Pharmacology / 10th edition

2023 || Paperback || James M. Ritter e.a. || Elsevier

Rang and Dale's Pharmacology is internationally acknowledged as the core textbook for students of pharmacology, and has provided accessible, up-to-date information on drugs and their mechanism of action for more than 30 years. Now in its tenth edition, it has been updated to include important new drugs such as gene therapies, personalised medicines and the new wave of RNA drugs. However it has not lost any of the elements that have contributed to its popularity, such as color coding and illus...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

New Venture Creation / 3rd edition

2023 || Paperback || Paul Burns || Bloomsbury Publishing

Structured around the author's tried-and-tested New Venture Creation framework, this textbook encourages practical learning, enabling you to launch and develop your business. Broken down into three phases - Research, Business model development, Launch - the book provides a systematic approach which tells you everything you need to know and, most importantly, everything you need to do, to start a new venture. You will learn how organisations and entrepreneurs address issues via real life case ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Think Like a UX Researcher / 2nd edition

How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy

2023 || Paperback || David Travis || Taylor & Francis

Think Like a UX Researcher will challenge your preconceptions about user experience (UX) research and encourage you to think beyond the obvious. It provides a dive-in-anywhere book that offers practical advice and topical examples.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Principles and Practice of Marketing / 10th edition

2023 || Paperback || David Jobber e.a. || McGraw-Hill

The landmark tenth edition of McGraw-Hill's leading textbook, Principles and Practice of Marketing provides a contemporary introduction to marketing, covering all the theoretical principles, frameworks and concepts that form the backbone of marketing education, and looking at how they apply in modern business practice. Find out:- The role of AI in Fashion Retailing to enhance the customer experience. - How Dr.

Martens have been engaging consumers for more than half a century. - McDonald's pla...