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Studieboeken (143)
New Sogang Korean 2A: Workbook
2008 || Paperback || Sogang University Press
This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes:
- new Grammar textbook
- Information on social and cultural context updated and modernized
- New illustrations and more effective layout
- Complete guide for Korean language learning, covering grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing
Description of the original Sogang Korean series:
The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean langu...
Basic Dutch: A Grammar and Workbook
A Grammar and Workbook
2009 || Paperback || Jenneke A. Oosterhoff || Taylor & Francis
Basic Dutch: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume. This Workbook presents twenty-five individual grammar points in realistic contexts, providing a grammatical approach which will allow students not already familiar with these structures to become accustomed to their use. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises allowing students to reinforce and consolidate their learning.
Suitable for class use or self-study, B...
Effective Crisis Communication
Moving From Crisis to Opportunity
2022 || Paperback || Robert R. Ulmer e.a. || SAGE
Introducing Pragmatics in Use / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Anne O'Keeffe e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Introducing Pragmatics in Use is a lively and accessible introduction to pragmatics, which both covers theory and applies it to real spoken and written data. This is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate students of pragmatics, discourse analysis and corpus linguistics or TESOL programmes.
An Introduction to English Grammar
2015 || Paperback || Gerald Nelson e.a. || Taylor & Francis
An Introduction to English Grammar provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of English grammar. The first part of the book (`The Grammar') provides a step-by-step introduction to the key topics in English grammar. The second part (`The Applications') shows how a grasp of these topics can be helpful in resolving usage problems, in developing a clear writing style, and in mastering punctuation and spelling.
A whole chapter, `English in Use', is devoted to illustrating the grammatical fe...
Creative Writing / 2nd edition
A Workbook with Readings
2022 || Paperback || Jane Yeh e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Creative Writing: A Workbook with Readings provides a complete creative writing course: from ways to jump-start your writing and inspire your creativity, right through to presenting your work to agents and publishers. It covers the genres of fiction, poetry and life writing (including autobiography, biography and travel writing), combining discussions of technique with readings and exercises to guide you step by step towards becoming more adept at creative writing. The second edition has been...
The Associated Press Stylebook: 2022-2024
2022 || Paperback || Associated Press || Basic Books
The style of The Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing. With the AP Stylebook in hand, you can learn how to write and edit with the clarity and professionalism for which their writers and editors are famous. The AP Stylebook will help you master the AP's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, word and numeral usage, and when to use "more than" instead of "over." To make navigating these specialty chapters even easier, the Stylebook includes a c...
New Sogang Korean 3B Student's Book
2017 || Paperback || Korean Book Services
This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes:
- new Grammar textbook
- Information on social and cultural context updated and modernized
- New illustrations and more effective layout
- Complete guide for Korean language learning, covering grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing
Description of the original Sogang Korean series:
The objective of this book is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean langu...
Language in Mind / 2nd Edition
An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
2020 || Hardcover || Julie Sedivy || Oxford University Press
Written by a professional writer and researcher, Julie Sedivy's Language in Mind, Second Edition provides an exceptionally accessible introduction to the challenging task of learning psycholinguistic research, theory, and application. Offering a research-based approach-supported by the new Researchers at Work feature which shows the process of conducting an experiment-Language in Mind emphasizes not just what psycholinguists know, but how they've come to know it. To deepen the student's expos...
Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition
Learning to Use Language in Context
2014 || Paperback || Kimberly L. Geeslin e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition is a comprehensive textbook that bridges the gap between the fields of sociolinguistics and second language acquisition, exploring the variety of ways in which social context influences the acquisition of a second language. It reviews basic principles of sociolinguistics, provides a unified account of the multiple theoretical approaches to social factors in second languages, summarizes the growing body of empirical research, including examples ...