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2020 (65)
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Paperback (422)
Hardcover (60)

Studieboeken (484)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health

2021 || Paperback || Steve Trenoweth e.a. || SAGE

A step-by-step guide on how to undertake each stage of the psychosocial assessment process in practice.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Growth Mindset for Teachers

Growing Learners in the Classroom

2021 || Paperback || Sherria Hoskins || SAGE

Growth Mindsets are recognized as a powerful teaching and learning tool in the UK and this book offers clear guidance that is backed up by research and avoids quick fixes or suggestions with little evidence base. The text will appeal to teachers as a pragmatic and trusted guide to a well-known strategy proven to enhance learning.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Psychologist's Companion / 6th edition

A Guide to Professional Success for Students, Teachers, and Researchers

2016 || Paperback || Robert J. Sternberg e.a. || Cambridge University Press

The Psychologist's Companion, 6th edition is written for students, young professionals, and even mid-career scholars. It covers the topics necessary for career success, including planning and writing papers and posters, presenting data, evaluating papers, writing grant proposals, giving talks, finding a book publisher, doing job interviews, and doing media interviews.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Scientific American: Psychology

2020 || Hardcover || Deborah Licht e.a. || Macmillan

Innovative engagement. Enduring retention. The most effective way to explore psychological science, now with even more support for instructors.

Real stories, real engagement, real answers to student and instructor challenges

In this breakthrough student resource, two committed, tech-savvy professors, Deborah Licht and Misty Hull, combine years of research and teaching insights with the journalistic skill of science writer, Coco Ballantyne, who came to the project directly from Scientific Amer...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Using and Interpreting Statistics

A Practical Text for the Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences

2016 || Paperback || Eric W Corty || Macmillan

Eric Corty’s engaging textbook is exceptionally well suited for behavioral science students studying statistical practice in their field for the first time. An award-winning master teacher, Corty speaks to students in their language, with an approachable voice that conveys the basics of collecting and understanding statistical data step by step. Examples come from the behavioral and social sciences, as well as from recognizable aspects of everyday life to help students see the relevance of ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 20,90

Therapeutenhandleiding ADD / Druk 4

ADD Psycho-educatiegroep (8-12 jaar)

2025 || Paperback || Tirtsa Ehrlich e.a. || SWP, Uitgeverij B.V.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Child Development / 2nd revised edition

Understanding A Cultural Perspective

2021 || Paperback || Martin J. Packer || SAGE

Cultures lead to differences in children's development, but equally important, culture is an essential component of every child's psychological development. Taking a chronological approach, this book offers a complete picture of child development.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Maps of Meaning

The Architecture of Belief

1999 || Paperback || Jordan B. Peterson || Taylor & Francis

Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality, and structure of the world itself? From the author of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos comes a provocative hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals, myths, and religious stories have long narrated. A cutting-edge work that brings together neuropsycho...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Foundations of Sensation and Perception / 4th edition

2022 || Paperback || George Mather || Taylor & Francis

Foundations of Sensation and Perception offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the science of sensation and perception. It covers all the human senses and answers many questions, such as why movies are so convincing, how ventriloquism works, why things sound different as you get older and why you may feel ill in an aircraft or sea vessel. Full of illustrations and graphs that bring concepts to life, the textbook covers vision, hearing, balance, touch, pain, smell and taste.

It ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Psychology: A Concise Introduction

2019 || Paperback || Richard A. Griggs e.a. || Macmillan

The core of psychology in a rich print/media resource at an extraordinary price!

Psychology: A Concise Introduction offers a rich survey of the field’s fundamental research and concepts at an unbeatable price! The text also includes a robust media and supplements package for instructors and students, including Achieve. No other text/media resource for the course offers such an attractive combination of authority and affordability.

Richard Griggs and Sherri Jackson have revised and updated t...