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Studieboeken (119)
The Data Science Design Manual / 1st edition
2017 || Hardcover || Professor Steven S. Skiena || Springer || ook als eBook
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. The Data Science Design Manual is a source of practical insights that highlights what really matters in analyzing data, and provides an intuitive understanding of how these core...
Organic Chemistry / 2nd revised edition
2012 || Paperback || Jonathan Clayden e.a. || Oxford University Press
Inspiring and motivating students from the moment it published, Organic Chemistry has established itself in just one edition as the students' choice of organic chemistry text. Its explanatory, mechanistic, evidence-based approach makes it perfect for fostering a true understanding of the subject.
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
2002 || Paperback || Karl Popper || Taylor & Francis
Described by the philosopher A.J. Ayer as a work of 'great originality and power', this book revolutionized contemporary thinking on science and knowledge. Ideas such as the now legendary doctrine of 'falsificationism' electrified the scientific community, influencing even working scientists, as well as post-war philosophy.
This astonishing work ranks alongside The Open Society and Its Enemies as one of Popper's most enduring books and contains insights and arguments that demand to be read to...
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis / 6th edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Richard Johnson e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Multivariate Statistics, Marketing Research, Intermediate Business Statistics, Statistics in Education, and graduate-level courses in Experimental Design and Statistics. Appropriate for experimental scientists in a variety of disciplines, this market-leading text offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations. Its primary goal is to impart the knowledge necessary to make proper interpretations and select appropriate techniques for analys...
Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences / 2nd edition
2015 || Paperback || Philip Rowe || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences is targeted at all those involved in research in pharmacology, pharmacy or other areas of pharmaceutical science; everybody from undergraduate project students to experienced researchers should find the material they need. This book will guide all those who are not specialist statisticians in using sound statistical principles throughout the whole journey of a research project - designing the work, selecting appropriate statistical methodol...
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems / 12th edition
International Adaptation
2022 || Paperback || W Boyce || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Boyce's Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems is written from the viewpoint of the applied mathematician, with diverse interest in differential equations, ranging from quite theoretical to intensely practical-and usually a combination of both. The intended audience for the text is undergraduate STEM students taking an introductory course in differential equations. The main prerequisite for engaging with the program is a working knowledge of calculus, gained from a norm...
Philosophy of Science
A Contemporary Introduction
2019 || Paperback || Alex Rosenberg e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods, and justification of science will value Alex Rosenberg and Lee McIntyre's updated and substantially revised fourth edition of Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction. Weaving lucid explanations with clear analyses, the volume is a much- used, thematically oriented introduction to the field. The fourth edition has been thoroughly rewritten based on instructor and student feedback, to improve readability and acc...
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper
2017 || Paperback || Barbara Gastel e.a. || Cambridge University Press
An essential guide for succeeding in today's competitive environment, this book provides beginning scientists and experienced researchers with practical advice on writing about their work and getting published. This brand new, updated edition also includes a new chapter on editing one's own work, a section on publicizing and archiving one's paper, and updates on authorship, including information on new authorship criteria and on the author identification number ORCID. The book guides readers ...
Smoothing Splines
Methods and Applications
2011 || Hardcover || Yuedong Wang || Taylor & Francis
A general class of powerful and flexible modeling techniques, spline smoothing has attracted a great deal of research attention in recent years and has been widely used in many application areas, from medicine to economics. Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications covers basic smoothing spline models, including polynomial, periodic, spherical, thin-plate, L-, and partial splines, as well as more advanced models, such as smoothing spline ANOVA, extended and generalized smoothing spline ANOV...
Multivariate Data Analysis / 8th edition
2018 || Paperback || Joseph Hair e.a. || Cengage Learning
For over 30 years, this text has provided students with the information they need to understand and apply multivariate data analysis. The eighth edition of Multivariate Data Analysis provides an updated perspective on the analysis of all types of data as well as introducing some new perspectives and techniques that are foundational in today¿s world of analytics.Multivariate Data Analysis serves as the perfect companion for graduate and postgraduate students undertaking statistical analysis f...