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Studieboeken (28)
maandag verzonden
Jeugdcriminologie / Druk 4
Achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit
2022 || Paperback || Ido Weijers || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar
Jeugdcriminologie is het eerste deel van een driedelige serie over jeugdcriminaliteit en strafrechtelijke reacties daarop. Deel 2 gaat over jeugdstrafrecht, deel 3 over justitiƫle interventies voor jeugdigen.
Jeugdcriminologie biedt een breed overzicht van de achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit. Deskundigen uit zeer uiteenlopende disciplines informeren de lezer over de stand van zaken op hun vakgebied. Dit handboek veronderstelt enige vertrouwdheid met de sociale wetenschappen en kennis va...
Research Design / 2nd Edition
Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches
2023 || Paperback || Patricia Leavy || Guilford Publications
With a new chapter on the literature review, this accessible step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design is now in a thoroughly revised second edition. The prior edition's user-friendly features are augmented by a new companion website with worksheets keyed to each chapter. For each approach, the text presents a template for a research proposal and explains how to conceptualize and fill in every section.
Interdisciplinary research examples draw on current events a...
The Short Guide to Community Development / 3rd edition
2023 || Paperback || Alison Gilchrist e.a. || Bristol University Press
The only up-to-date, accessibly written short guide to community development, this third edition offers an invaluable and authoritative introduction. Fully updated to reflect changes in policy, practice, economics and culture, it will equip readers with an understanding of the history and theory of community development, as well as practical guidance on how to do it. This is a key text for all students and practitioners working with communities.
It includes:* a broad overview of core themes, ...
Community Development / 3rd Edition
A Critical and Radical Approach
2019 || Paperback || Margaret Ledwith || Policy Press
The fully updated third edition of this bestselling book offers a radical approach to community development. Building on the theories of Gramsci and Freire, new ideas are introduced which offer an inspiring approach to practice for all those committed to social and environmental justice. Neoliberalism has created a dangerous escalation of economic inequalities with inevitable environmental consequences.
Practice needs to be informed by analyses of power, and links are made using international...
Method Meets Art / 3rd Edition
Arts-Based Research Practice
2023 || Paperback || Patricia Leavy || Guilford Publications
Accessible graduate text and scholarly resource, revised and updated: 30% new material includes new genres (slam poetry, comics/graphic novels, installation art, and others), new exemplars, guidance on research design, and tips for getting started. *Well-known author uses nontechnical language for an interdisciplinary audience; competing titles are discipline-specific or more advanced.
The only book on ABR to cover all eight arts genres (narrative inquiry, fiction-based research, poetry, mus...
Doing a Successful Research Project / 2nd Edition
Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods
2014 || Paperback || Martin Brett Davies e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
This straightforward, student-friendly guide contains all the practical advice for successfully undertaking a research project, leading students through all the stages of the research process. The second edition of this no-nonsense textbook supports students in conducting their own research projects, whatever discipline they are from. Describing processes, tools and strategies in a simple, succinct way, it supports the reader carefully through the planning and design stages, to implementation...
Research Methods / 3rd edition
The basics
2021 || Paperback || Nicholas Walliman || Taylor & Francis
Research Methods: The Basics is an accessible, user-friendly introduction to the different aspects of research theory, methods and practice. This third edition provides an expanded and fully updated resource suitable for students and practitioners in a wide range of disciplines including the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. It is structured in two parts - the first covers the nature of knowledge and the reasons for doing research, the second explains the specific methods used...
Community-Based Participatory Research
2013 || Paperback || Karen A. Hacker || SAGE
Presenting a practical approach to CBPR by describing how an individual researcher might understand and conduct CBPR research, this book includies a concise overview of CBPR theoretical underpinnings, methods considerations and ethical issues - all presented in an accessible format.