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Studieboeken (528)

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Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solution

2023 || Paperback || Andrej Zwitter e.a. || University of Groningen Press


Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solution

Science has lost its ethical imperatives as it moved away from a science of ought to a science of is. Subsequently, it might have answers for how we can address global challenges, such as climate change and poverty, but not why we should. This supposedly neutral stance leaves it to politics and religions (in the sense of non-scientific fields of social engagement) to fill in the values. The problem is that through this concession,...

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morgen verzonden

Educational Utopias

Liber Amicorum for Prof. Dr. Alkeline van Lenning

2023 || Paperback || Gerwin Van der Laan || Open Press Tilburg University || met inkijkexemplaar

This Liber Amicorum was composed in honor of our dear colleague and former Dean of University College Tilburg, Prof. Dr. Alkeline van Lenning, who took emeritus status in March 2023 after an academic career of over forty years at Tilburg University. Alkeline van Lenning was professor of multi-disciplinary education and has expertise in the field of character education, interdisciplinary teaching in higher education, feminist theory, and gender. Close colleagues and friends were invited to sha...

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Profit-driven Maintenance for Physical Assets / Druk 3 (Heruitgave)

2023 || Paperback || Ir. T.M.E. Zaal || Syntax Media || met inkijkexemplaar

In so many company boardrooms the term ‘maintenance’ often gives those in senior

management an uneasy feeling. Why should this be the case?

The main reason may be due to the fundamental way that they think about business. They

generally think, speak and discuss opportunities, profits, risks, new markets, added value and

costs for their business.

Meanwhile, the maintenance manager generally focuses on techniques, failures, technical

problems and workforce schemes, rather than purely costs ...

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Financial Markets and Institutions, Global Edition / 10th edition

2023 || Paperback || Frederic Mishkin e.a. || Pearson

Financial Markets and Institutions takes a practical approach to the changing landscape of financial markets and institutions. The text uses core principles to introduce topics, then examines these models via real-world scenarios. Empirical applications of themes help you develop essential critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

The 10th Edition reflects major changes in the aftermath of the global financial and Covid crises. With timely new sections, cases and boxes, you'll have the la...

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Mechanics of Materials in SI Units / 11th edition

2023 || Paperback || Russell Hibbeler || Pearson

Mechanics of Materials excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of mechanics of materials principles. Drawing upon his decades of classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn, Professor Hibbeler provides highly visual, methodical applications to help you conceptualize and master difficult concepts. A variety of problem types stress realistic situations encountered in the field, with several levels of difficulty to give you the practic...

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met 5% korting 186,20

Doing Research in the Business World / Druk 2

2023 || Hardcover || Gray || SAGE

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Dynamics in economic geography / Druk 2

Understanding spatial socio-economic inequalities

2023 || Paperback || Ton van Rietbergen e.a. || Coutinho

Understanding spatial socio-economic inequalities

Global transformations such as globalization and climate change influence the economic fate of people and places very differently. Also, places differ in terms of the opportunities they offer to firms and the people living there. As a result, there are important socio-economic inequalities across space. Economic Geography gives you the tools to understand such inequalities.

The aim of this book is to provide students and other interested ...

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Basic Business Words

Engels idioom voor opleidingen in de economische sector

2023 || Paperback || P.J. van der Voort || Walvaboek

'Basic Business Words' is bedoeld voor opleidingen in de economische sector. Met behulp van dit boek kunnen studenten reeds in het eerste jaar snel een economisch georiënteerde basiswoordenschat verwerven op ERK-niveau B1-B2. Met drie hoofdstukken per week kan het boek in een jaar worden doorgenomen.

Belangrijkste wijzingen in de tweede druk:

- Veel woorden van niet-economische aard zijn weggelaten en een aantal nieuwe woorden is toegevoegd.

- De thema’s Government and politics, Society e...

Vandaag besteld,
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The Characters of Creativity

Activate creativity by understanding your colleagues

2023 || Paperback || Prof. Alastair Pearce || BIS Publishers

Whether you’re a manager or creatives, a colleague of creatives, or simply creative yourself, chances are you recognise some of your colleagues or team members in this. If so, The Characters of Creativity is your go-to guide. The book offers specific strategies and techniques for releasing creativity.

A practical guide to the complex world of creativity.

Turn strategy into creativity and find out what management tools work for creatives.

Learn how to create a professional environment that s...

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Creative Struggle is real

Stop procrastinating and start making

2023 || Paperback || Holly Blondin || BIS Publishers

While the creative struggle may be inevitable, it doesn’t have to feel impossible. The book is organised into three parts: Exploring Your Creative Context, Designing Your Creative Practice, and Maintaining Your Creative Momentum. You will discover your imaginator type, become a superhero(ine) and define what creativity means to you.

The book walks you through practical and inspiring methods to make space and time for making so you will never again have an excuse to procrastinate. In additi...