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Studieboeken (271)
The Internet of Things / 1st edition
2020 || Paperback || G Meikle || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
More objects and devices are connected to digital networks than ever before. Things - from your phone to your car, from the heating to the lights in your house - have gathered the ability to sense their environments and create information about what is happening. Things have become media, able to both generate and communicate information.
This has become known as 'the internet of things'. In this accessible introduction, Graham Meikle and Mercedes Bunz observe its promises of convenience and ...
Ads, Fads, and Consumer Culture / 6th edition
Advertising's Impact on American Character and Society
2020 || Paperback || Arthur Asa Berger || Rowman & Littlefield
The fifth edition of this approachable text draws on both academic and applied perspectives to offer a lively critique of contemporary advertising's effects on American character and culture. Berger explains how advertising works by employing a psycho-cultural approach, encouraging readers to think about advertisements and commercials in more analytical and profound ways. Among the topics he addresses are the role of brands, the problem of self-alienation, and how both relate to consumption.
Communication Skills in Nursing, Health and Social Care
2021 || Paperback || Bernard Moss || SAGE
Presented in a unique and easy-to-use dictionary format, this practical guide will help students and practitioners understand and apply the principles of effective communication.
Humanizing the Sacred / 1st edition
Sisters in Islam and the Struggle for Gender Justice in Malaysia
2015 || Paperback || Azza Basarudin || University of Washington Press
In recent years, global attention has focused on how women in communities of Muslims are revitalizing Islam by linking interpretation of religious ideas to the protection of rights and freedoms. Humanizing the Sacred demonstrates how Sunni women activists in Malaysia are fracturing institutionalized Islamic authority by generating new understandings of rights and redefining the moral obligations of their community. Based on ethnographic research of Sisters in Islam (SIS), a nongovernmental or...
Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco / 2nd edition
2007 || Paperback || Paul Rabinow e.a. || University of California Press
In this landmark study, now celebrating thirty years in print, Paul Rabinow takes as his focus the fieldwork that anthropologists do. How valid is the process? To what extent do the cultural data become artifacts of the interaction between anthropologist and informants? Having first published a more standard ethnographic study about Morocco, Rabinow here describes a series of encounters with his informants in that study, from a French innkeeper clinging to the vestiges of a colonial past, to ...
Plantation Life / 1st edition
Corporate Occupation in Indonesia's Oil Palm Zone
2021 || Paperback || Tania Murray Li e.a. || Duke University Press
In Plantation Life Tania Murray Li and Pujo Semedi examine the structure and governance of Indonesia's contemporary oil palm plantations in Indonesia, which supply 50 percent of the world's palm oil. They attend to the exploitative nature of plantation life, wherein villagers' well-being is sacrificed in the name of economic development. While plantations are often plagued by ruined ecologies, injury among workers, and a devastating loss of livelihoods for former landholders, small-scale inde...
Media Relations
2006 || Paperback || Richard Stanton || Oxford University Press
Media and Public relations combines practical hands-on strategies with firm grounding in the theories of media relations. To successfully integrate theory and practice, the text uses case studies as the basis of theoretical argument. The text examines how communications practitioners deliver messages to the media, how the media receives the messages and how the media deals with the message prior to dissemination to the public.
It takes a comprehensive look at the different types of media in A...
Theory and Methods in Political Science / 4th edition
2017 || Paperback || Vivien Lowndes e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
A broad-ranging and pluralistic textbook which highlights the rich variety of approaches to studying politics. Written by an international team of experts, this fully revised fourth edition offers cutting-edge coverage from fundamental to contemporary issues. Integrating guides to further reading and clear examples of how research methods can be applied, it enables readers to feel confident about taking their study of politics forward.
An ideal foundation for study and research in political s...
Understanding Digital Societies
2021 || Paperback || Jessamy Perriam e.a. || SAGE
Understanding Digital Societies provides a framework for understanding our changing, technologically shaped society and how sociology can help us make sense of it.
The Practice of Social Research / 15th edition
2020 || Paperback || Earl Babbie || Cengage Learning
Known as the gold standard for research methods, Babbie's THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH gives you a definitive guide to research as practiced by social scientists. Combining a straightforward approach with the author's renowned sense of humor, this student-friendly text equips you with the tools and knowledge to apply research concepts as both researcher and consumer. The author emphasizes the process by showing you how to design and construct projects, introducing today's various observati...