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Studieboeken (599)

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Export & Import - Winning in the Global Marketplace

2016 || Paperback || Leif Holmvall || Export Pro Inc.

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

La Quête d'Ewilan (Tome 1)

D'un monde à l'autre

2016 || Paperback || Pierre Bottero || Rageot

La vie de Camille, adolescente surdouée, bascule quand elle pénètre accidentellement dans l’univers de Gwendalavir avec son ami Salim. Là des créatures, les Ts’liches, la reconnaissent sous le nom d’Ewilan et tentent de la tuer. Originaire de ce monde, elle est l’unique héritière d’un don prodigieux, le Dessin, qui peut s’avérer une arme fatale dans la lutte de son peuple pour reconquérir pouvoir, liberté et dignité. Épaulée par le maître d’armes de l’empereur et...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Richtlijn verslaglegging Ergotherapie

2016 || Paperback || Miranda Wessels || Nederlandse Vereniging Ergotherapie

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen


Avec un cahier iconographique

2016 || Paperback || Voltaire || Bordas

Avec des questionnaires de lecture pour une approche méthodique du texte. Le cahier iconographique. Une approche des grands thèmes de Candide par l'image (la guerre, le Nouveau Monde, l'esclavage...). Des questions de lecture de l'image sont proposées dans la rubrique " Le texte et ses images ". L'appareil critique. Biographie de l'auteur et genèse de l'oeuvre. La lutte philosophique et la censure. Candide, oeuvre réaliste ou parabole ? Des groupements de textes sur l'Inquisition (Thomas...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

A Billion Voices

China's Search for a Common Language

2016 || Paperback || David Moser || Penguin books China

Mandarin, Guoyu or Putonghua? "Chinese" is a language known by many names, and China is a country home to many languages. Since the turn of the century linguists and politicians have been on a mission to create a common language for China. From the radical intellectuals of the May Fourth Movement, to leaders such as Chiang Kai-shek, and Mao Zedong, all fought to push the boundaries of language reform. Now, internet users take the Chinese language in new and unpredictable directions. David Mos...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 28,98

KZD FAD 1 - Keuzedeel: Financiële administratie - niveau 2 doorstroom

Keuzedeel: Financiële administratie

2016 || Paperback || J. van Esch || Educatieve Uitgeversgroep

In het keuzedeel 'Financiële administratie niveau 2 doorstroom' komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod: het onderhouden van stamgegevens debiteuren en crediteuren, het opstellen en controleren van facturen, het controleren van inkoopfacturen en deze voorbereiden voor verdere verwerking en fiattering en het verzorgen van overzichten ten behoeve van het debiteuren- en crediteurenbeheer.

Kwalificatie: K0038

Bij aanschaf van dit artikel ontvang je een leerwerkboek. Je ontvangt een papieren exempl...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Advertising Concept Book / 3rd Edition

Think Now, Design Later

2022 || Hardcover || Pete Barry || Thames & Hudson Ltd

This is the third edition of the highly successful Advertising Concept Book. As well as substantially expanded chapters on interactive advertising and integrated advertising, an entirely new chapter on branded social media has been added. This new edition contains fifty specially drawn new illustrations of key campaigns.

It covers every aspect of the business, from how to write copy and learn the creative process to how agencies work and the different strategies used for all types of media. P...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Digital Signal Processing First / 2nd Global Edition

2016 || James H. McClellan || Pearson

For introductory courses (freshman and sophomore courses) in Digital Signal Processing and Signals and Systems. Text may be used before the student has taken a course in circuits. DSP First and its accompanying digital assets are the result of more than 20 years of work that originated from, and was guided by, the premise that signal processing is the best starting point for the study of electrical and computer engineering.

The "DSP First" approach introduces the use of mathematics as the lan...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

An Introduction to Child Development / 3rd edition

2016 || Paperback || Thomas Keenan e.a. || SAGE

An Introduction to Child Development, Third Edition provides undergraduate students in psychology and other disciplines with a comprehensive survey of the main areas of child development, from infancy through to adolescence, in a readily accessible format. It equips students with an appreciation of the critical issues, while providing balanced coverage of topics that represent both classic and cutting edge work in this vast and fascinating field. The new edition has been fully updated and fea...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, Global Edition / 5th edition

2016 || Paperback || Robert Bauman || Pearson

For courses in introductory microbiology. Invest in your future: Microbiology Matters. Known for its unique and effective art program, conversational writing style, and author-created Video Tutors, the Fifth Edition of Robert Bauman's Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy consistently emphasizes why microbiology matters, especially in health care.

The text provides a mobile-friendly, multimedia learning experience, from new in-text Disease in Depth visual explorations to interactive tutorial...