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Paperback (445)
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Studieboeken (554)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

MRI at a Glance / 3rd edition

2015 || Paperback || Catherine Westbrook || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016 MRI at a Glance encapsulates essential MRI physics knowledge. Illustrated in full colour throughout, its concise text explains complex information, to provide the perfect revision aid.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Colonialism/Postcolonialism / 3rd edition

2015 || Paperback || Ania Loomba || Taylor & Francis

Colonialism/Postcolonialism is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical, theoretical and political dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies. This new edition includes a new introduction and conclusion as well as extensive updates throughout. Topics covered include globalization, new grassroots movements (including Occupy Wall Street), the environmental crisis, and the relationship between Marxism and postcolonial studies.

Loomba also discusses how ongoing struggles such a...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Changing Organizational Culture / 2nd edition

Cultural Change Work in Progress

2022 || Paperback || Mats Alvesson e.a. || Taylor & Francis

How is practical change work carried out in modern organizations? And what kind of challenges, tasks and other difficulties are normally encountered as a part of it?In a turbulent and changing world, organizational culture is often seen as central for sustained competitiveness. Organizations are faced with increased demands for change but these are often so challenging that they meet heavy resistance and fizzle out. Changing Organizational Culture encourages the development of a reflexive app...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 56,77

Arbeidsrecht voor HR-management / Druk 2

2015 || Paperback || T.B.M. Kersten e.a. || Sdu

Het boek Arbeidsrecht voor HR-management combineert

de theorie van het arbeidsrecht met gerichte praktijkvoorbeelden.

Hierbij wordt speciale aandacht gegeven

aan wijzigingen die de Wet werk en zekerheid (WWZ)

met zich mee brengt.

De praktijkvoorbeelden zijn gebaseerd op twee fi ctieve

professionals: Henk en Veronique. Henk is franchiseondernemer

van een supermarkt en Veronique is

HR-manager bij een internationale onderneming. Aan

de hand van de praktijkvoorbeelden worden alledaagse

werksituaties beschr...