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Jeux de théâtre

2012 || Paperback || Marjolaine Pierre e.a. || Pu De Grenoble

Le jeu et le théâtre apportent à l'enseignement et à la classe de langue un univers construit à la fois sur le respect de règles, l'écoute et l'attention aux autres ainsi que sur une dimension créative conduisant à l'expression libérée. Le présent ouvrage est le fruit d'un travail d'invention et de création autant que d'un travail d'adaptation des techniques du jeu d'acteur aux objectifs particuliers et à l'espace de la classe de langue.

La totalité des 70 jeux de ce recueil on...

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Teaching and Learning Languages / 1st edition

A practical guide to learning by doing

2012 || Paperback || Jemma Buck e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This publication provides essential reading for any language teacher. Pupil engagement in the language-learning process is key to success, and with this in mind the authors provide a comprehensive list of ideas as well as explaining the underlying principles of successful language-learning. Neil Jones, Assistant HeadteacherLearning a language, especially in a class or group, is an intensely practical subject.

Active participation by students is the key to successful language learning at any a...

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A Course in English Language Teaching / 2nd edition

2012 || Paperback || Penny Ur || Cambridge University Press

A completely revised and updated edition of A Course in Language Teaching. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to English language teaching, and is suitable for teachers in a variety of educational settings, including compulsory education. It has been completely revised and updated to include essential new topics for the modern English language teacher, including English as an international language, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and using digital materials.

It i...

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The Literature Review / 2nd edition

A Step-by-Step Guide for Students

2012 || Paperback || Diana Ridley || SAGE

The complete guide to doing a literature search and review also contains a wealth of features to calm students overwhelmed at the prospect of doing their dissertation or thesis

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Computational Physics

2012 || Paperback || Mark Newman || Createspace

A complete introduction to the field of computational physics, with examples and exercises in the Python programming language. Computers play a central role in virtually every major physics discovery today, from astrophysics and particle physics to biophysics and condensed matter. This book explains the fundamentals of computational physics and describes in simple terms the techniques that every physicist should know, such as finite difference methods, numerical quadrature, and the fast Fouri...

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met 5% korting 32,78

Focus op groepsdynamica

2016 || Paperback || Monique Bekker || Boom

Groepsdynamica is de studie naar het gedrag en het functioneren van mensen in groepen. Kennis over hoe groepen functioneren en hoe ze zich ontwikkelen is onontbeerlijk voor iedereen die met groepen werkt. Veel vragen die in dit boek aan de orde komen, worden verduidelijkt met praktijksituaties in kaders. Daarnaast worden er onderzoeken op het gebied van groepsdynamica beschreven en wordt er vooruitgeblikt op de toekomst.

Monique Frequin-Bekker is onderwijstrainer en docentcoach. Daarnaast is ...

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met 5% korting 48,40

Basisboek crossmedia concepting / Druk 2

2012 || Paperback || Indira Reynaert e.a. || Boom

Steeds vaker worden diverse mediakanalen ingezet voor een bepaalde communicatiedoelstelling, waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van de specifieke kenmerken en mogelijkheden van deze kanalen, het mediagebruik en de participerende houding van de consument.

Basisboek crossmedia concepting geeft een eerste aanzet tot crossmediale theorievorming. Uitgebreid aan de orde komen de speerpunten van het crossmediaconcept: storytelling, usability, cocreatie, mediumspecificiteit en relevantie. Er wordt ondersch...

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The Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide

A Down & Dirty DV Production

2012 || Paperback || Anthony Q. Artis || Taylor & Francis

The Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide is an easy-read crash course in the ins and outs and hundred little details of creating video works for hire

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PASS Cambridge BEC Vantage / 2nd Edition


2023 || Pamphlet || Anne Williams e.a. || Cengage Learning

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met 5% korting 24,65

Uso interactivo del vocabulario B2-C2 - Übungsbuch

2022 || Paperback || Clara María Molero e.a. || Edelsa Grupo

Die Übungsbücher machen die Lernenden fit im aktuellen spanischen Sprachgebrauch.

- Nach Themengebieten geordnet

- Mit Übungen zum gelernten Wortschatz

- Übungen zur Vorbereitung auf die DELE-Prüfungen

- Für das Selbststudium geeignet

- Lösungen als Download