Studieboeken (19)
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Negotiating and Influencing Skills
The Art of Creating and Claiming Value
1997 || Paperback || Brad McRae || SAGE
Based on the theoretical approach to cooperative negotiating skills developed at the Harvard Project on Negotiation, this book presents a two-step process towards mastery of negotiating and influencing skills.
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Meyer, J: Commitment in the Workplace
1997 || Paperback || John P. Meyer || SAGE
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Elektronica echt niet moeilijk 1, 2 en 3 / Druk 10
experimenten met gelijkstroom, wisselstroom en digitale techniek
1997 || Hardcover || Adrian Schommers || Elektor International Media BV
Elektronica moeilijk? De titel van dit boek geeft het antwoord! In deze 3-in-1-band wordt de elektronica vanuit de praktijk benaderd. Dat wil zeggen veel praktijk in de vorm van experimenten en een minimum aan theorie. Zo raakt u stap voor stap vertrouwd met de behandelde onderwerpen. Daarbij ontstaan gaandeweg ook een flink aantal praktisch bruikbare schakelingen. Het gaat bij de elektronicahobby tenslotte om het bouwen of uitdenken van allerlei praktische of leuke schakelingen. Aan het eind...
Mark Dion
1997 || Paperback || John Berger e.a. || Phaidon Press
Mark Dion (b.1961) is an American artist who, in making his art, metamorphoses into explorer, biochemist, detective and archaeologist. In his gallery installations around Europe and America since the 1980s, Dion has constructed the laboratories, experiments and museum caches of the great historical naturalists - following in their footsteps in his own adventurous, eco-inspired journeys to the tropics. His research and magical collections are presented in installational still lifes that combin...
Attachment - Volume One of the Attachment and Loss Trilogy
1997 || Paperback || John Bowlby || Vintage
In this classic work of psychology John Bowlby examines the processes that take place in attachment and separation and shows how experimental studies of children provide us with a recognizable behaviour pattern which is confirmed by discoveries in the biological sciences.
The Discipline of Market Leaders
1997 || Fred Wiersema e.a. || BASIC BOOKS
Why is it that Casio can sell a calculator more cheaply than Kelloggs can sell a box of corn flakes? Why can FedEx absolutely, positively deliver your package overnight but airlines have trouble keeping track of your bags? What does your company do better than anyone else? What unique value do you provide to your customers? How will you increase that value next year? As customers demands for the highest quality products, best services, and lowest prices increase daily, the rules for market le...
Groups and Symmetry / 1st Edition
1997 || Hardcover || Mark A. Armstrong || Springer
Groups are important because they measure symmetry. This text, designed for undergraduate mathematics students, provides a gentle introduction to the highlights of elementary group theory. Written in an informal style, the material is divided into short sections each of which deals with an important result or a new idea.
Throughout the book, the emphasis is placed on concrete examples, many of them geometrical in nature, so that finite rotation groups and the seventeen wallpaper groups are tr...
1997 || Paperback || Toni Morrison || Vintage Publishing
Discover Toni Morrison's most iconic work in this Pulitzer-prize winning novel that exemplifies her powerful and important place in contemporary American literature. 'An American masterpiece' AS ByattIt is the mid-1800s and as slavery looks to be coming to an end, Sethe is haunted by the violent trauma it wrought on her former enslaved life at Sweet Home, Kentucky. Her dead baby daughter, whose tombstone bears the single word, Beloved, returns as a spectre to punish her mother, but also to el...
Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents
1997 || Paperback || James Reason || Taylor & Francis
Major accidents are rare events due to the many barriers, safeguards and defences developed by modern technologies. But they continue to happen with saddening regularity and their human and financial consequences are all too often unacceptably catastrophic. One of the greatest challenges we face is to develop more effective ways of both understanding and limiting their occurrence.
This lucid book presents a set of common principles to further our knowledge of the causes of major accidents in ...