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Studieboeken (86)
Hello World
How to be Human in the Age of the Machine
2020 || Paperback || Hannah Fry || Transworld Publishers Ltd
'One of the best books yet written on data and algorithms. . .deserves a place on the bestseller charts.' (The Times) You are accused of a crime.
Who would you rather determined your fate - a human or an algorithm?An algorithm is more consistent and less prone to error of judgement. Yet a human can look you in the eye before passing sentence. Welcome to the age of the algorithm, the story of a not-too-distant future where machines rule supreme, making important decisions - in healthcare, tran...
Qualityland / Dunkle Ausgaben
2019 || Paperback || Marc-Uwe Kling || Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag
Willkommen in QualityLand, in einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft: Alles läuft rund - Arbeit, Freizeit und Beziehungen sind von Algorithmen optimiert. Trotzdem beschleicht den Maschinenverschrotter Peter Arbeitsloser immer mehr das Gefühl, dass mit seinem Leben etwas nicht stimmt. Wenn das System wirklich so perfekt ist, warum gibt es dann Drohnen, die an Flugangst leiden, oder Kampfroboter mit posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung? Warum werden die Maschinen immer menschlicher, aber die Mens...
De Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming in gewonemensentaal
2019 || Paperback || Bart van der Sloot || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
De Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming in gewonemensentaal is een gids voor iedereen die is geïnteresseerd in de veelbesproken regels uit de AVG. In deze wet, die sinds 2018 van toepassing is, heeft de Europese Unie nauwgezet beschreven wat je wel en niet mag doen met gegevens over anderen. Op een schending van die regels staan boetes van maximaal 20 miljoen euro.
Dit boek legt uit wat de belangrijkste plichten zijn van personen en organisaties die gegevens over anderen verwerken, zoal...
Concise Guide to APA Style / 7th edition
2019 || Ringband || American Psychological Association || American Psychological Association || ook als eBook
Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition is the official APA Style resource for students. Designed specifically for undergraduate writing, this easy-to-use pocket guide is adapted from the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It provides complete guidance for new writers on effective, clear, and inclusive scholarly communication and the essentials of formatting papers and other course assignments.
New to This Edition: full color throughoutcon...
Protocol Preventie van Leesproblemen groep 1 en 2
2019 || Paperback || Maud van Druenen || Expertisecentrum Nederlands
Think Like a UX Researcher / 1st edition
How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy
2019 || Paperback || David Travis || Taylor & Francis
This book aims to bridge the gap between UX content that is authoritative but at the same time easily digestible. It contains a series of essays on UX research. Although the book could be read from cover to cover, our assumption is that user researchers will dip in and out of the book, somewhat like a bedside or coffee-break reader.