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Studieboeken (445)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Creativity in Business

the basic guide for generating and selecting ideas

2015 || Paperback || Igor Byttebier e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Creativity Today - the management book on applied creativity and written by Ramon Vullings & Igor Byttebier - has inspired tens of thousands of managers, teachers and students around the world. Now this book is made available again in a revised version, under a new title, new subtitle and with a new cover design. All intended to focus this creativity classic more on education and to emphasize its attractiveness as a basic guide for businesses, schooling institutions and organizations that wis...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Organizational Behaviour / 3rd edition

2015 || Paperback || R French || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Organizational Behaviour, Third Edition, builds on the strengths and successes of the previous editions and has been fully updated to reflect changes in the world of work and the context of organizational behaviour within that world. The authors combine a managerial approach, focusing on practical, real-world applications, with a rigorous critical perspective that analyses the research behind the theories. The text addresses alternative theoretical perspectives, in parallel to the introductio...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating A Small Business / 4th edition

2015 || Paperback || Steve Mariotti e.a. || Pearson

For courses in Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, and Starting a Business. A Comprehensive, Practical Approach to Starting a BusinessFor fledgling entrepreneurs and business students, Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating A Small Business untangles the complex economic, financial, and professional considerations surrounding business ownership and operations. In its Fourth Edition, Entrepreneurship takes a critical look at contemporary entrepreneurial successes, allowing students ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Humanizing the Sacred / 1st edition

Sisters in Islam and the Struggle for Gender Justice in Malaysia

2015 || Paperback || Azza Basarudin || University of Washington Press

In recent years, global attention has focused on how women in communities of Muslims are revitalizing Islam by linking interpretation of religious ideas to the protection of rights and freedoms. Humanizing the Sacred demonstrates how Sunni women activists in Malaysia are fracturing institutionalized Islamic authority by generating new understandings of rights and redefining the moral obligations of their community. Based on ethnographic research of Sisters in Islam (SIS), a nongovernmental or...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences / 2nd edition

2015 || Paperback || Philip Rowe || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences is targeted at all those involved in research in pharmacology, pharmacy or other areas of pharmaceutical science; everybody from undergraduate project students to experienced researchers should find the material they need. This book will guide all those who are not specialist statisticians in using sound statistical principles throughout the whole journey of a research project - designing the work, selecting appropriate statistical methodol...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 34,20

Praktijkdiploma boekhouden (PDB) Financiering, niveau 4

voor het praktijkdiploma boekhouden

2015 || Paperback || Ad Bakker || Brinkman Uitgeverij

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Essentials of Environmental Science

2015 || Paperback || Andrew Friedland e.a. || Macmillan

At just 15 chapters, Essentials of Environmental Science is ideal for a one-semester course. It takes the same non-biased approach as its parent text, teaching students to think critically about data presented. In addition to being briefer, Essentials is even more accessible placing less emphasize on math calculations. The coverage of ecology, agriculture, energy, and water has also been streamlined to provide a more focused treatment of the science concepts.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || James Shackelford || Pearson

For a first course in Materials Sciences and Engineering taught in the departments of materials science, mechanical, civil and general engineering Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers provides balanced, current treatment of the full spectrum of engineering materials, covering all the physical properties, applications and relevant properties associated with engineering materials. It explores all of the major categories of materials while also offering detailed examinations of a wide...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Successful Professional Portfolios for Nursing Students

2021 || Paperback || Suzanne Reed || SAGE

A step-by-step and practical guide of how to compile a professional portfolio for use throughout nursing programmes and in initial nursing roles, where portfolios are an essential tool for interviews and employee appraisals.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A Crowdfunder's Strategy Guide

2015 || Paperback || Jamey Stegmaier || Berrett-Koehler

The global phenomenon that has sold over 4 million copies, is published in a record-breaking 47 languages and is a bestseller across five continents-now updated and expanded with new content. Named by Fast Company as one of the most influential leadership books in its Leadership Hall of Fame. A strategy classic.

In this perennial bestseller, embraced by organizations and industries worldwide, globally preeminent management thinkers W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne challenge everything you thou...