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Studieboeken (221)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion

2012 || Paperback || Peter Goldie || Oxford University Press

This volume contains thirty-one state-of-the-art contributions from leading figures in the study of emotion today. The volume addresses all the central philosophical issues in current emotion research, including: the nature of emotion and of emotional life; the history of emotion from Plato to Sartre; emotion and practical reason; emotion and the self; emotion, value, and morality; and emotion, art and aesthetics. Anyone interested in the philosophy of emotion, and its wide-ranging implicatio...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Transatlantic Relations since 1945

An Introduction

2012 || Paperback || Jussi Hanhimaki e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Transatlantic Relations Since 1945 offers a comprehensive account of transatlantic relations in the second half of the 20th century (extending to the present-day). The transatlantic relationship has been the bedrock of international relations since the end of World War II. This new textbook will focus on the period since the defeat of Nazi Germany, when the multitude of links between United States and Western Europe were created, extended, and multiplied.

Written in an accessible style, it em...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Orality and Literacy

30th Anniversary Edition

2012 || Paperback || Walter J. Ong e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Walter J. Ongs classic work provides a fascinating insight into the social effects of oral, written, printed and electronic technologies, and their impact on philosophical, theological, scientific and literary thought. This thirtieth anniversary edition coinciding with Ongs centenary year reproduces his best-known and most influential book in full and brings it up to date with two new exploratory essays by cultural writer and critic John Hartley.

Hartley provides: A scene-setting chapter that...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Molecular Cloning / 4th edition

A Laboratory Manual

2012 || Paperback || Michael R. Green e.a. || Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Interactive Evaluation Practice

Interactive Evaluation Practice: Mastering the Interpersonal Dynamics of Program Evaluation

2012 || Paperback || King e.a. || SAGE

This book helps bridge the gap between the theory of evaluation and its practice, giving students the specific skills they need to use in different evaluation settings.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Handbook For Stoelting'S Anesthesia And Co-Existing Disease

Expert Consult: Online and Print

2012 || Paperback || Roberta L. Hines e.a. || Elsevier

Handbook for Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 4th Edition gives you the peerless authority you trust, ideal for on-the-go reference! Dr. Roberta L. Hines and Dr. Katherine E. Marschall discuss all of the most critical, clinically relevant topics from Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 6th Edition in a concise, compact, portable format. You'll have convenient access to dependable guidance on a full range of pre-existing conditions that may impact the perioperative m...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 33,20

Mindfulness in coaching - Een stap-voorstapbeschrijving met voorbeelden, tips en oefeningen

een stap-voor-stapbeschrijving met voorbeelden, tips en oefeningen

2017 || Paperback || Renske van Berkel || Boom

Dit boek maakt een vertaling van mindfulness in brede zin naar de betekenis van mindfulness in coaching. De coach krijgt inzicht in waar het in essentie bij mindfulness om draait en welke tools hij kan inzetten in het coachingstraject.

Mindfulness is een geëigende en beproefde methode om een cliënt te trainen in het zich bevrijden van zijn ongewilde lijden. Het leert hem hoe hij zich steeds opnieuw hiervan kan losmaken, waardoor hij een gelukkiger mens wordt. De coach biedt hem daartoe conc...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Research Skills for Social Work / 2nd edition

2012 || Paperback || Andrew Whittaker || SAGE

A quick, clear and interesting guide for students completing their final year research project.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

An Introduction to the Bible

2012 || Paperback || J. W. Rogerson || Taylor & Francis

This classic work is an ideal introduction to how the Bible was written, transmitted, copied and declared to be authoritative by various churches. It presents a concise and accessible guide to all aspects of biblical study.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A Theory of Adaptation / 2nd edition

2012 || Paperback || Linda Hutcheon e.a. || Taylor & Francis

A Theory of Adaptation explores the continuous development of creative adaptation, and argues that the practice of adapting is central to the story-telling imagination. Linda Hutcheon develops a theory of adaptation through a range of media, from film and opera, to video games, pop music and theme parks, analysing the breadth, scope and creative possibilities within each. This new edition is supplemented by a new preface from the author, discussing both new adaptive forms/platforms and recent...