Studieboeken (18)
Java Programming for Android Developers For Dummies / 2nd Edition
2016 || Paperback || Barry Burd || Wiley
Develop the next killer Android App using Java programming! Android is everywhere! It runs more than half the smartphones in the U.S.-and Java makes it go. If you want to cash in on its popularity by learning to build Android apps with Java, all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to get started is at your fingertips. Inside, you'll learn the basics of Java and grasp how it works with Android; then, you'll go on to create your first real, working application.
How cool is that? The demand for...
Mann's Introductory Statistics / 9th edition
2017 || Paperback || Prem S. Mann || Wiley
Mann's Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only prerequisite is knowledge of elementary algebra. Introductory Statistics is known for its realistic examples and exercises, clarity and brevity of presentation, and soundness of pedagogical approach.
MRI in Practice / 5th edition
2019 || Paperback || Catherine Westbrook e.a. || Wiley
MRI in Practice continues to be the number one reference book and study guide for the registry review examination for MRI offered by the American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). This latest edition offers in-depth chapters covering all core areas, including: basic principles, image weighting and contrast, spin and gradient echo pulse sequences, spatial encoding, k-space, protocol optimization, artefacts, instrumentation, and MRI safety. The leading MRI reference book and study g...
Modern Spectroscopy / 4th edition
2003 || Paperback || J. Michael Hollas || Wiley
The latest edition of this highly acclaimed title introduces the reader to a wide range of spectroscopies, and includes both the background theory and applications to structure determination and chemical analysis. It covers rotational, vibrational, electronic, photoelectron and Auger spectroscopy, as well as EXAFs and the theory of lasers and laser spectroscopy. * A revised and updated edition of a successful, clearly written book * Includes the latest developments in modern laser techniques,...
Ecology of Freshwaters / 5th Edition
Earth's Bloodstream
2018 || Paperback || Brian R. Moss || Wiley
The new edition of this established textbook, now with full colour illustration, has been extensively revised and continues to provide a comprehensive, stimulating, readable and authoritative coverage of freshwater habitats, their communities and their functioning, the world over.
Environmental Psychology / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Linda Steg || Wiley
Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition, Environmental Psychology: An Introduction offers an overview of the interplay between humans and their environments. The text examines the influence of the environment on human experiences, behaviour and well-being and explores the factors influencing environmental behaviour, and ways to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. The revised edition is a state-of-the art review of relevant theories and research on each of these topics.
With cont...
Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry / 2nd Edition
2024 || Paperback || Lea R. Dopson e.a. || Wiley || ook als eBook
Following a successful debut edition, this new Second Edition of Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry builds on its strengths of clear organization and the ease with which students work through it. This new edition includes more basic math support for students and a more developed inclusion of ethical considerations and global changes both in accounting systems and in the hospitality industry.
Introduction to Sociological Theory / 3rd edition
Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century
2020 || Paperback || Michelle Dillon || Wiley
The revised third edition of the text that combines classical and contemporary theories of sociological theory
Thoroughly revised and updated, the third edition of an Introduction to Sociological Theory offers an in-depth introduction to classical and contemporary theories, and demonstrates their relevance to offer a clear understanding of a broad range of contemporary issues and topics. As with the previous editions, the text continues to combine carefully selected primary quotations from a ...