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Constitutions Compared / 7th edition
An Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law
2023 || Paperback || Aalt Willem Heringa || Eleven international publishing
The seventh edition of this widely utilized handbook provides a user-friendly and original and innovative introduction to comparative constitutional law, with specific reference to liberal democracies and states under the rule of law. For each area of constitutional law of such systems, a general introduction and a comparative overview is provided, followed by more detailed country chapters on that specific area. Though the book focusses extensively on selected countries, references to other ...
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Cases and Materials European Union Law / Druk 3
2024 || Paperback || M.K. Shahid e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This compilation consists of key cases and materials in the area of European Union law, selected by the Department of International and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. Core areas of importance covered by this compilation are the four fundamental freedoms (goods, persons, services and capital), fundamental rights and competition law (cartel prohibition, the prohibition to abuse a dominant position and the prohibition of state aid). Wha...
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Human Rights Issues in Migration and Border Management
Challenges and Perspectives
2024 || Paperback || I. Mifsud e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This book aims to bring together researchers and experts from different legal and anthropological backgrounds to examine the interaction between borders and migration and the challenge they pose to our societies. The work results from an academic sub-project on Migration Law and Policy at the Faculty of Laws of the University of Malta. It formed part of a much larger project involving a Jean Monnet Network MAPS project led by the University of Naples, L’Orientale. It represents the work und...
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Rule of Law: Sustainability and Mutual Trust in a Transforming Europe
2023 || Paperback || Petra Bárd || Eleven international publishing
The book is the extended version of the inaugural lecture given by Professor Petra Bárd on 21 September 2023 on the occasion of her taking up the Chair in Sustainable Rule of Law at the Research Centre for State and Law (SteR) in the Faculty of Law at Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Professor Bárd places the specific manifestation of rule of law deficiencies in the evolution of European criminal justice within a broader constitutional context. She has led the way in reframing the academic and...
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Visual Language / Druk 1
perspectives for both makers and users
2016 || Paperback || Jos van den Broek e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The power of a visual image is determined by a complex array of elements. Anyone who creates a page for a magazine, makes a PowerPoint presentation, designs a brochure, prepares a poster or dreams up an idea for an infographic is faced with some important questions:
* Why is it better to put this photo here rather than there?
* What background color should I use for my presentation?
* What do I need to bear in mind when creating an internet page?
* Is it better to use a table, a graph or an i...
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Toolkit Mediation: Generating Outcomes / 2nd edition
Mediation & Negotiation
2024 || Paperback || Manon Schonewille || Eleven international publishing
Toolkit Mediation is the practical guide for mediators, providing practical tools, useful models, and checklists for mediators in practice and is applicable to all styles and methods of mediation. It is a manual for how mediation can be used by various professionals for their own purposes. Managers, mediators, negotiators, trainers, coaches, consultants, lawyers, judges and other professionals can all benefit from using mediation techniques. This practical handbook contains an overview of the...
Rethinking Expropriation Law IV
Takings for Climate Justice and Resilience
2024 || Paperback || M. Habdas e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The latest IPCC report makes it abundantly clear that we are failing to reach the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. If we are to reach this target, we need to take measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, to move away from fossil fuels as energy sources and to adopt renewable energy sources. Particularly high-income countries need to reduce consumption and the exploitation of nature. Enforcement is in order when incentives such as subs...