Studieboeken (25)
vandaag verzonden
La Cantatrice Chauve
Anti-piece / Drame comique
1973 || Paperback || Eugene Ionesco || Gallimard
Mme Smith : Tiens, il est neuf heures. Nous avons mangé de la soupe, du poisson, des pommes de terre au lard, de la salade anglaise. Les enfants ont bu de l'eau anglaise. Nous avons bien mangé, ce soir. C'est parce que nous habitons dans les environs de Londres et que son nom est Smith...
Litterature francaise
2018 || Paperback || C. de Ligny || Nathan
Avec son découpage chronologique et ses nombreuses illustrations, cet ouvrage permet de balayer onze siècles d'histoire littéraire.
Afin d'offrir un large panorama du sujet, cet ouvrage :
explique les grands mouvements de la littérature française, du Moyen Âge à nos jours,
expose les principes des différents genres littéraires,
recense les oeuvres et auteurs marquants de chaque courant littéraire.
Étudiants préparant une licence ou un CAPES de lettres classiques ou de lettres mode...
The Ingredients for Great Teaching
2018 || Paperback || Pedro De Bruyckere || SAGE
Teaching would be easy if there were clear recipes you could follow every time. The Ingredients for Great Teaching explains why this is impossible and why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Instead of recipes, this book examines the basic ingredients of teaching and learning so you can use them wisely in your own classroom in order to become a better and more effective teacher.
Taking an approach that is both evidence-based and practical, author Pedro de Bruyckere explores ten crucial...
School-based Research / 3rd Edition
A Guide for Education Students
2017 || Paperback || Elaine Wilson || SAGE
Focused on the needs of the new classroom researcher and those studying education on Masters-level courses, this is a thorough and thoughtful guide to the research process, covering qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods.
Visible Learning for Teachers
Maximizing Impact on Learning
2011 || Paperback || John Hattie || Taylor & Francis
In November 2008, John Hattie's ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Visible Learning for Teachers takes the next step and brings those ground breaking concepts to a completely new audience. Written for students, pre-service and in-service teachers, it explains how to apply th...