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Studieboeken (67)
morgen verzonden
Gemotiveerd leren en lesgeven / Druk 2
De kracht van intrinsieke motivatie
2020 || Paperback || Anje Ros e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Als leerlingen gemotiveerd zijn, zijn ze betrokken en nieuwsgierig en beter in staat om te gaan met uitdagingen en tegenslagen. Ook halen gemotiveerde leerlingen vaak betere schoolresultaten. In de praktijk blijkt echter dat de motivatie van leerlingen gedurende hun schoolloopbaan afneemt. Ze vinden het saai op school en zijn minder betrokken bij schoolse taken. Gemotiveerd leren en lesgeven zet motivatieprocessen helder uiteen en geeft aan wat je als leraar zelf kunt doen om de intrinsieke m...
morgen verzonden
Lessen in orde / Druk 4
Handboek voor de onderwijspraktijk
2022 || Paperback || Peter Teitler e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Een fijne sfeer op school en in de klas is een voorwaarde voor goed onderwijs. Lessen in orde laat zien hoe (toekomstige) docenten een vriendelijke en veilige omgeving kunnen creƫren waarin leerlingen optimaal kunnen leren. Het praktische handboek maakt ze bewuster van de eigen rol bij het ontstaan van bepaald gedrag van leerlingen en reikt instrumenten aan om lessen in orde te krijgen en te houden.
Net als de vorige edities, bestaat deze vierde, herziene uitgave uit vijf met elkaar samenhan...
The House in the Cerulean Sea
An uplifting, heart-warming cosy fantasy about found family
2021 || Paperback || TJ Klune || Macmillan
Linus Baker is sent to assess a magical orphanage, filled with dangerous children. They could bring about the end of everything - or be the family he'd always wanted.
English Vocabulary in Use / 3rd edition
Advanced Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice
2017 || Hardcover || Michael McCarthy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for advanced level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities.
Quickly expand your vocabulary with over 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Also inside the book is a code for an ebook. This is the same as the printed book, but with audio so that you can listen to new words as well as reading them.
The ebook is online for Windows and...
William Shakespeare: The Complete Works
2005 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Oxford University Press
The second Oxford edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works reconsiders every detail of their text and presentation in the light of modern scholarship. The nature and authority of the early documents are re-examined, and the canon and chronological order of composition freshly established. Spelling and punctuation are modernized, and there is a brief introduction to each work, as well as an illuminating and informative General Introduction.
Included here for the firsttime is the play The Reign ...
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 10th edition
With 2 years' access to both premium online and app
2020 || Paperback || Diana Lea e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling advanced level dictionary for learners of English. Now in its 10th edition, the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or OALD, is your complete guide to learning English vocabulary with definitions that learners can understand, example sentences showing language in use, and the new Oxford 3000 (TM) and Oxford 5000 (TM) word lists providing core vocabulary that every student needs to learn. OALD is more than a dictionary.
The Bell Jar
2020 || Paperback || Sylvia Plath || Faber & Faber
I was supposed to be having the time of my life. When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer.
Objective Proficiency Student's Book with Answers / 2nd edition
with Downloadable Software
2012 || Hardcover || Annette Capel || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). A variety of challenging, lively topics provide thorough training in exam skills and high-level language development. Each unit contains three double-page lessons ensuring flexibility, even pacing and progress.
Interactive software, downloadable from a URL in the Student's Book, provides activities for practice ...
Practice of English Language Teaching / 5th edition
2015 || Hardcover || Jeremy Harmer || Pearson
The highly acclaimed Practice of English Language Teaching is the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The fifth edition has been revised to reflect new developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
2014 || Paperback || Jeanette Winterson || Vintage Publishing
'Like most people I lived for a long time with my mother and father. My father liked to watch the wrestling, my mother liked to wrestle; it didn't matter what'This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts.
At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves. Innovative, punchy and tende...