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Work, energy methods & influence lines
capita selecta in engineering mechanics
|| Hardcover || J.W. Welleman || Bouwen met Staal
This textbook covers the introduction to this very interesting field of structural mechanics on a bachelor of science level. Theory and application are directly combined by the use of numerous examples. These will clarify all steps involved and this approach is highly appreciated by students.
Good knowledge of statics and strength of materials is a prerequisite to the use of this textbook since in the examples both topics are frequently used to strengthen the overall knowledge of students an...
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Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Materials
2008 || Hardcover || Robert J. Naumann || Taylor & Francis
Discusses the Structure and Properties of Materials and How These Materials Are Used in Diverse ApplicationsBuilding on undergraduate students’ backgrounds in mathematics, science, and engineering, Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Materials provides the foundation needed for more advanced work in materials science. Ideal for a two-semester course, the text focuses on chemical bonding, crystal structure, mechanical properties, phase transformations, and materials processing for t...
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Krachtswerking / Druk 1
grondslagen voor het berekenen en toetsen van staalconstructies voor gebouwen volgens Eurocode 0, 1 en 3
2011 || Hardcover || H.H. Snijder e.a. || Bouwen met Staal
Dit boek behandelt de grondslagen voor het berekenen en toetsen van staalconstructies voor gebouwen volgens NEN-EN 1990 (Eurocode 0), NEN-EN 1991 (Eurocode 1) en NEN-EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) met de bijbehorende Nationale Bijlagen.
Hoofdstuk 1 behandelt de theorie en achtergronden van NEN-EN 1990 voor wat betreft constructieve veiligheid, betrouwbaarheid en rekenwaarden van de weerstand en de belasting.
Hoofdstuk 2 gaat over belastingen en vervormingen die zijn omschreven in NEN-EN 1991 en de ...
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Mechanica + constructie 1 / Druk 1
Berekenen en ontwerpen van eenvoudige constructies van bouwwerken
2020 || Hardcover || V.G. Keijzers || Bouwen met Staal
Mechanica + constructie 1
Dit boek is een kennismaking met de mechanica van bouwwerken, waarbij de mechanica zowel onderdeel is van het constructief ontwerp als van de constructieve berekening.
• Hoofdstuk 1 verklaart vanuit de wetten van Newton ‘het in evenwicht zijn’ van constructies en bespreekt de gebruikte eenheden en de nauwkeurigheid van de constructieve berekening.
• Hoofdstuk 2 behandelt het grafisch en analytisch samenstellen en ontbinden van krachten én het effect van verp...
Ship Resistance and Propulsion
Practical Estimation of Ship Propulsive Power
2017 || Hardcover || Anthony F. Molland e.a. || Cambridge University Press
This second edition provides a comprehensive and scientific approach to evaluating ship resistance and propulsion. Written by experts in the field, it includes the latest developments in CFD, experimental techniques and guidance for the practical estimation of ship propulsive power. It addresses improvements in energy efficiency and reduced emissions, and the introduction of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI).
Descriptions have now been included of pump jets, rim driven propulsors, sha...
Well Completion Design
2009 || Hardcover || Jonathan Bellarby || Elsevier
Completions are the conduit between hydrocarbon reservoirs and surface facilities. They are a fundamental part of any hydrocarbon field development project. This book covers offshore, subsea, and landbased completions in various major hydrocarbon basins of the world.
The Art of Electronics
2015 || Hardcover || Paul Horowitz e.a. || Cambridge University Press
At long last, here is the thoroughly revised and updated third edition of the hugely successful The Art of Electronics. It is widely accepted as the best single authoritative book on electronic circuit design, and is in fact so popular that it has been counterfeited - so beware if purchasing from a third party via an online retailer, as you may receive a very inferior physical product. In addition to new or enhanced coverage of many topics, the third edition includes 90 oscilloscope screensho...
Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation / 2nd edition
The Technology of Patient Care
2017 || Hardcover || Barbara L. Christe || Cambridge University Press
This fully updated second edition is the ideal guide for biomedical engineering technicians looking to increase their understanding of the medical technology involved in patient care. It incorporates recent changes in healthcare, regulations, standards and technology, and includes new chapters on patient safety and the electronic medical record.
Reliability-Centered Maintenance / 2nd Edition
1999 || Hardcover || John Moubray || Elsevier
Reliability-centred Maintenance is a process used to determine - systematically and scientifically - what must be done to ensure that physical assets continue to do what their users want them to do. Widely recognised by maintenance professionals as the most cost-effective way to develop world-class maintenance strategies, RCM leads to rapid, sustained and substantial improvements in plant availability and reliability, product quality, safety and environmental integrity. The author and his ass...
Green Chemistry / 1st revised edition
An Introductory Text
2016 || Hardcover || Mike Lancaster || Royal Society of Chemistry
Sustainable development, the circular economy and environmental issues are at the forefront of public and Government concern. The field of green chemistry aims to provide environmentally benign products from sustainable resources, using processes that do not harm people or the environment at the same time as helping solve key societal problems such as climate change. Updated throughout, this third edition features an expanded section on legislation, a revised chapter on measurement, and a com...