Studieboeken (17)
Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics / Eighth Edition
2017 || Paperback || Robert Kane e.a. || McGraw-Hill
The leading introductory textbook on geriatrics - completely updated and revised. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics is an engagingly written, up-to-date introductory guide to the core topics in geriatric medicine. Since 1984, its goal has remained unchanged: to help clinicians do a better job of caring for their older patients. You will find thorough and authoritative coverage of all the important issues in geriatrics, along with concise, practical guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of t...
Het fotoverhaal
Werken met foto’s als instrument voor zingeving en empowerment
2017 || Paperback || Jan Sitvast || Boekscout
Dit boek gaat over een methodiek voor professionals in de gezondheidszorg en in de welzijnssector waarin het werken met foto's centraal staat. De methodiek, het foto-instrument genaamd, helpt cliënten om hun verhaal te vertellen. De foto's vormen een verhaal waarmee cliënten zin en betekenis geven aan hun leven. Daarbij gaat het niet om hoe mensen ziekte en psycho-sociale problemen zelf ervaren, maar veel meer om hoe ze daar mee om kunnen gaan en zin in het leven kunnen behouden. Het fotove...
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics / 2nd edition
An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations
2017 || Paperback || Sara E. Rosenbaum || John Wiley & Sons Inc
This book provides a comprehensive foundation for the contemporary application of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The second edition updates and strengthens existing chapters and adds new topics to address current needs including physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling, pharmacogenomics and predicting drug-drug interactions.
Intuitive Biostatistics
A Nonmathematical Guide to Statistical Thinking
2017 || Paperback || Harvey Motulsky || Oxford University Press
Intuitive Biostatistics takes a non-technical, non-quantitative approach to statistics and emphasizes interpretation of statistical results rather than the computational strategies for generating statistical data. This makes the text especially useful for those in health-science fields who have not taken a biostatistics course before. The text is also an excellent resource for professionals in labs, acting as a conceptually oriented and accessiblebiostatistics guide.
With an engaging and conv...
Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum
A Guide for Clinical Practice
2017 || Paperback || Sandra Graves-Alcorn e.a. || Taylor & Francis || ook als eBook
Implementing the Expressive Therapies Continuum aims to explore the use of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) in the form of specific expressive therapy initiatives intended to be used in both educational and professional settings.
Veterinary Embryology / 2nd edition
2017 || Paperback || T. A. CoMcGeady e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Veterinary Embryology, 2nd Edition, has been updated to reflect the many changes that have developed in the field; the text has been fully revised and expanded and is now in full colour and many pedagogical features and a companion website have been developed.
Health Behavior Change / 1st edition
Theories, Methods and Interventions
2017 || Paperback || Andrew Prestwich e.a. || Taylor & Francis
We live in an era where people live longer but also suffer from more chronic illnesses. Yet these two issues present not only significant challenges to healthcare professionals, but also governments seeking cost-effective ways to manage their health and social care budgets. Encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles is, therefore, a fundamental issue for both those at risk as well as for society as a whole.
This is the first textbook to present not only the theoretical foundations that e...