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Sigmund Freud (2)
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Ã…sne Seierstad (2)
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Non-fictie informatief... (14)
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Elektrotechniek (8)
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Ondernemingsrecht (8)
Flora algemeen (7)
Kunstgeschiedenis (7)
Literaire non-fictie a... (7)
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Natuurkunde algemeen (7)
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Geloofsopbouw (5)
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Literaire tijdschrifte... (5)
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Romantiek (5)
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Specialistische genees... (5)
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Exacte wetenschappen n... (4)
Fictie 10-12 jaar (4)
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Fitness en conditie (3)
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Geschiedenis algemeen|... (3)
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Internet (2)
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Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Literatuurwetenschap (2)
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Mens en maatschappij a... (2)
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Natuurgidsen algemeen (2)
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Psychiatrie (2)
Scheikunde algemeen (2)
Seksualiteit (2)
Speel- en leerboeken (... (2)
Taalonderwijskunde (2)
Tekenen, schilderen, k... (2)
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Verhalenbundels (2)
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Resultaten (2276)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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2025 || Paperback || Albert Einstein || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on the general theory of relativity.

He continued to deal with prob...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Romeo and Juliet

2025 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic play written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two teenage "star-cross'd lovers" whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding households. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal "young lovers"


Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Seven Periods of English Architecture

2025 || Paperback || Edmund Sharpe || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

To present at a single glance a comprehensive view of the History of English Church Architecture from the Heptarchy to the Reformation, and to do this in a manner, which, without taxing too seriously the memory of the student, may enable him to fix in his mind the limits, and the general outline of the inquiry he is about to enter upon, is the object of the present treatise.

Instead therefore of entering, as is usual in elementary works of this nature, into a detailed account of all the parts...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Comic English Grammar

2025 || Paperback || Percival Leigh || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

English Grammar is divided into four parts-Orthography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody; and as these are points that a good grammarian always stands upon, he, particularly when a pedant, and consequently somewhat flat, may very properly be compared to a table. Latinised English, or Fine English, sometimes assumes the character of Comic English, especially when applied to the purposes of common discourse; as "Extinguish the luminary," "Agitate the coramunicator," "Are your corporeal functions ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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The Critique of Pure Reason

2025 || Paperback || Immanuel Kant || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

It falls into this difficulty without any fault of its own. It begins with principles, which cannot be dispensed with in the field of experience, and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the same time, insured by experience. With these principles it rises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions.

But it quickly discovers that, in this way, its labours must remain ever incomplete, because new questions never cease to present themselves; and t...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Défi actuel 2 Éd. hybride Livre de l'élève

methode de francais

2025 || Paperback || Éditions Maison des Langues

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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From Copernicus to Einstein

2025 || Paperback || Hans Reichenbach || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

THIS little book purports to serve as an introduction to the great problems of space, time and motion. The inquiries it is concerned with are very old. Men have been forming ideas concerning space and time since times immemorial, and curiously enough, have been writing and fighting about these things with the greatest interest, even fanaticism.

This has been a strange strife, indeed, having little to do with economic necessities; it has always dealt with abstract things, far removed from our ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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De koning van Amerika

Overleeft de republiek Trump?

2025 || Paperback || Merijn de Waal || Spectrum

Trump president of koning – verschijnt op de dag van de inauguratie

Donald Trumps terugkeer plaatst de Verenigde Staten op een hoogst onvoorspelbare koers. Welke beloftes en dreigementen lost hij in? Zal hij daadwerkelijk zijn miljoenen kiezers uit de arbeidersklasse tevredenstellen of toch vooral de medemiljardairs die zijn campagne financierden? Houdt de democratie onder Trump-II stand?

Dit boek beschrijft Trump aan de hand van zijn vele gezichten, gebaseerd op tientallen reportages d...

Leverbaar vanaf 20 maart
met 5% korting 65,50

Praktisch Gezondheidsrecht / Druk 17

2025 || Paperback || Mr. D. Y. A. Van Meersbergen e.a. || Noordhoff

- Geschreven door prominente gezondheidsjuristen;

- veel voorbeelden uit rechtspraak en zorgpraktijk;

- goede balans tussen theorie en praktijk.

Praktisch Gezondheidsrecht is een toegankelijk handboek voor studenten die een opleiding tot zorg- of hulpverlener volgen. Het beschrijft een groot aantal belangrijke onderwerpen uit het gezondheidsrecht, zoals aansprakelijkheid, beroepenwetgeving, het beroepsgeheim, patiëntenrechten, abortus, orgaandonatie en beslissingen rond het levenseinde. De b...

Leverbaar vanaf 2 februari 2026
met 5% korting 73,10

Hoofdlijnen Bestuurlijke Informatieverzorging - 9e editie / Druk 9

2025 || Paperback || E. Vaassen e.a. || Noordhoff

Complete beschrijving van het vakgebied;

sluit aan bij de SPD-exameneisen en de CEA-eindtermen;

met uitgebreide online ondersteuning.

Een goede bestuurlijke informatieverzorging, administratieve organisatie en interne controle dragen bij aan de realisatie van de doelstellingen van organisaties. In Hoofdlijnen Bestuurlijke Informatieverzorging komen alle relevante en actuele thema’s aan bod, zoals continuous monitoring, robotic process automation, blockchain, kunstmatige intelligenti...