
Paperback (218)
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Resultaten (239)

Vandaag besteld,
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Seditious Spaces

2018 || Paperback || Nurul Azreen Azlan || TU Delft Open

This research sought to understand how the trajectory of urban development, which is shaped by the colonial legacy, has produced the contemporary geography of contention in Malaysia. Given that public space is shaped by the colonial legacy, how does it

facilitate or hinder street protests as a function of democracy, which is also a vestige of colonialism? To do this, rather than going into a long discussion about notions of public sphere and public space, much of which originated from Western...

Vandaag besteld,
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Managing Social Condominiums

|| Paperback || Luz María Vergara d´Alençon || TU Delft Open

This thesis explores the role of Chilean third sector organisations as part of the solution to support homeowners in condominium improvement and management. The following research question is asked: what are effective and feasible strategies for third sector organisations to support Chilean low income homeowners in the management of social condominiums?. In order to answer the main question, key questions are organised into three main parts: conceptualisation, analysis and proposal. The gener...

Vandaag besteld,
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Stations as Nodes

exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective

2019 || Paperback || Manuela Triggianese e.a. || TU Delft Open

At the main point of intersection between the railway and the city, stations are key elements in the organization of the intermodal transport as well as catalysts of urban developments in metropolises, medium and small cities. The focus of this publication is to explore the enrichment of a renewed approach of railway stations as intermodal nodes, therefore acting as breeding grounds for both urban and social developments.

In this publication, invited experts from practice and knowledge instit...

Vandaag besteld,
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Atlas: Makerspaces in Public Libraries in The Netherlands

2019 || Paperback || Olindo Caso e.a. || TU Delft Open

Public libraries want to contribute to an inclusive and innovative society and aim to enable their patrons to acquire the necessary 21st century skills. Dutch public libraries are therefore gradually adding more and more activities to their curriculum, teaching these different types of skills, such as ‘invention literacy’.

They also often provide a ‘performative space’ (i.e. a makerspace) for their patrons. This means library spaces are no longer dominated by books, but rather reflect...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Samenspel in ­stedelijke vernieuwing

Investeringsbeslissingen van ­woningcorporaties in stedelijke ­vernieuwingswijken in samenwerking met andere actoren

|| Paperback || Nicole Plasschaert || TU Delft Open

Investeringen door woningcorporaties zijn van groot belang voor de continuïteit van de stedelijke vernieuwing in Nederland. Corporaties keren echter terug naar hun kerntaak en zijn terughoudend om te werken aan herdifferentiatie van vernieuwingswijken. Dit proefschrift maakt inzichtelijk op welke wijze investeringsbeslissingen van woningcorporaties in stedelijke vernieuwing tot stand komen in samenwerking met andere actoren. Op basis van een casestudy zijn eerst factoren verkend die van invl...

Vandaag besteld,
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Energy-­Efficient Office ­renovation

Developing design principles based on user-focused evaluation

|| Paperback || Minyoung Kwon || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
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Urban ­Renewal ­Decision-Making in China: Stakeholders, Process, and System ­Improvement

2020 || Paperback || Taozhi Zhuang || TU Delft Open

To meet the growing rigid demand of urban housing, urban renewal has played a significant role, which significantly promotes the urban prosperity in China. However, at the same time, many problems occurred through large-scale urban renewal projects. To avoid unintended consequences that occurred in urban renewal, how these decisions were made can be one key focus. To better achieve the goal of sustainability, this research aims to deepen the understanding of urban renewal decision-making in C...

Vandaag besteld,
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Landscape Metropolis #7

Circular Water Stories

2020 || Paperback || Inge Bobbink e.a. || TU Delft Open

Vandaag besteld,
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Building with Nature perspectives

cross-disciplinary BwN approaches in coastal regions

2021 || Paperback || Janneke van Bergen e.a. || TU Delft Open

This publication offers an overview of the latest cross-disciplinary developments in the field of Building with Nature (BwN) for the protection of coastal regions. The key philosophy of BwN is the employment of natural processes to serve societal goals, such as flood safety. The starting point is a systems-based approach, making interventions that employ the shaping forces of the natural system to perform measures by self-regulation. Initial pilots of this innovative approach originate from c...

Vandaag besteld,
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Space Layout and Energy ­Performance

Parametric optimisation of space layout for the energy ­performance of office buildings

2021 || Paperback || Tiantian Du || TU Delft Open

Architectural design greatly influences building energy performance (BEP), and energy-efficient design is therefore often studied. Architectural space layout also can affect BEP. However, only a few of the numerous studies on energy-efficient design considered the effect of space layout. Within these studies, the isolated effect of space layout on the BEP has hardly have been analysed systematically.

The framework of Performative Computational Architecture (PCA) had been proven to be effectiv...