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Resultaten (73)
Healthy Cities
The Theory, Policy, and Practice of Value-Based Urban Planning
2018 || Paperback || Evelyne de Leeuw e.a. || Springer || ook als eBook
This forward-looking resource recasts the concept of healthy cities as not only a safe, pleasant, and green built environment, but also one that creates and sustains health by addressing social, economic, and political conditions. It describes collaborations between city planning and public health creating a contemporary concept of urban governance¿a democratically-informed process that embraces values like equity. Models, critiques, and global examples illustrate institutional change, commu...
Public Procurement
Theory, Practices and Tools
2023 || Paperback || Jolien Grandia e.a. || Springer
This upper-level open access textbook uses an interdisciplinary perspective to discuss the 'what and why' of public procurement, providing insight into the 'how' of contemporary procurement in the public sector. The authors use theories and exemplary practices to show the next generation of public procurement professionals how public value can be created via the acquisition of works, supplies, or services by organizations operating in the public domain. Perfectly tailored to university studen...
vandaag verzonden
Buckling of Ship Structures
2013 || Paperback || Mohamed Shama || Springer
Buckling of Ship Structures presents a comprehensive analysis of the buckling problem of ship structural members. A full analysis of the various types of loadings and stresses imposed on ship plating and primary and secondary structural members is given. The main causes and consequences of the buckling mode of failure of ship structure and the methods commonly used to control buckling failure are clarified.
This book contains the main equations required to determine the critical buckling stre...
morgen verzonden
Revalidatie bij chronisch obstructieve longziekten / Druk 2
2016 || Paperback || R. Gosselink e.a. || Springer
Dit boek geeft u een actueel beeld van de behandeling van chronische obstructieve longziekten (COPD). Deze editie, van Rik Gosselink en Marc Decramer, is de opvolger van het eind jaren tachtig verschenen boek Fysiotherapie bij CARA. Sinds die eerste druk hebben er binnen het vakgebied aanzienlijke ontwikkelingen plaatsgevonden die bijvoorbeeld ertoe leidden dat het begrip CARA verdween. Momenteel wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen astma en COPD op het gebied van etiologie, pathofysiologie e...
morgen verzonden
Leerboek immunologie / Druk 3
2023 || Paperback || G.T. Rijkers e.a. || Springer
Dit nieuwe leerboek maakt een duidelijke koppeling tussen de theoretische basisconcepten en de klinische praktijk. Met behulp van diverse aansprekende klinische voorbeelden, verdiepingsstof en alledaagse casuïstiek behandelen de auteurs de eigenschappen en functies van honderden moleculen en cellen (zowel de hoofdrolspelers als de figuranten).
In Leerboek immunologie wordt het complexe immuunsysteem van de mens helder en overzichtelijk uiteengezet. In de eerste helft van het boek ligt de nad...
Learning Geriatric Medicine
A Study Guide for Medical Students
2018 || Paperback || Regina Roller-Wirnsberger e.a. || Springer
This textbook presents hands-on training material for medical students. The style reflects the need for practice-based teaching with a modern edge in daily clinical routine; accordingly, it also employs online material and pocket cards. Each chapter begins with specific learning objectives, which are cross-referenced with the European curriculum for undergraduate medical education released by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) together with the European Union Geriatric Medicine ...
Applied Bioinformatics / 2nd edition
An Introduction
2018 || Paperback || Paul M. Selzer e.a. || Springer
This book introduces readers to the basic principles of bioinformatics and the practical application and utilization of computational tools, without assuming any prior background in programming or informatics. It provides a coherent overview of the complex field and focuses on the implementation of online tools, genome databases and software that can benefit scientists and students in the life sciences. Training tutorials with practical bioinformatics exercises and solutions facilitate the un...
Feedback and Control for Everyone
2010 || Paperback || Pedro Albertos e.a. || Springer
Confidence is good, but to be in control is better! Our journey to write a general introduction to control and feedback started with the realisation that in our chosen field of study the proponents have taken little time to project the main ideas outside the community of the initiated. We are constantly - minded of the fact that there is no general awareness of control engineering, or c- trol technology, despite its ubiquity when we try to introduce ourselves as control engineers. Invariably ...
morgen verzonden
Schrijven leer je zo! - Bewaarmap (blauw)
2006 || Paperback || H. Schweizer || Springer
De Bewaarmap is als het ware het portfolio voor schrijven van de kinderen in uw groep. Hierin bewaart u de Werkbladen die u nog niet gebruikt, en kunt u Werkbladen verzamelen. U vult de blauwe Bewaarmap met de Werkbladen 3 en 4. De kinderen werken vanuit de Werkmap die u vult met de letter- of cijfersets uit de Bewaarmap. (In de werkmap zitten alleen de materialen c.q. de letters waarmee de kinderen op dat moment werken.)
Voor groep 3 en 4
Nodig: 1 map per leerling
Introductory Statistics with R
2021 || Paperback || Peter Dalgaard || Springer
The statistical methodology covered includes statistical standard distributions, one- and two-sample tests with continuous data, regression analysis, one-and two-way analysis of variance, regression analysis, analysis of tabular data, and sample size calculations.