› Naslagwerken algemeen (45)
› Onderwijs en opvoeding (45)
› Algemene sociale weten... (41)
» Toon alle opties (11)
› Psychologie algemeen (16)
› Economie en bedrijf al... (15)
› Taalkunde (8)
› Sociologie van beleids... (7)
› Geneeskunde algemeen (6)
› Verpleegkunde en zieke... (5)
› Anatomie en fysiologie (2)
› Beroepenvoorlichting (2)
› Geestelijke gezondheid... (2)
› Sociale psychologie (2)
Resultaten (228)
morgen verzonden
Writing for Social Work
2020 || Paperback || Lucy Rai || SAGE
A step-by-step guide to effective writing in social work
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Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Education
2020 || Hardcover || Jones || SAGE
This book develops the reader's knowledge of how and when gender stereotypes form and how they can be perpetuated in various ways through and during a child's education.
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Introduction to Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion
A Student's Guide
2021 || Paperback || Alexandra Sewell e.a. || SAGE
This essential textbook equips students with a strong understanding of theories, policies and practices and how they impact on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, guiding them through their SEND course or modules.
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Employee Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility
2021 || Paperback || Debbie Haski-Leventhal e.a. || SAGE
Employee engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility focuses on engaging employees in socially responsible initiatives, using the existing literature, new empirical studies, case studies and thought-provoking insights.
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The Politics of Fear
The Shameless Normalization of Far-Right Discourse
2020 || Paperback || Ruth Wodak || SAGE
The Politics of Fear traces the trajectory of far-right politics from the margins of the political landscape to its very center. It explores the social and historical mechanisms at play, and expertly ties these to the "micro-politics" of far-right language and discourse.
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Outcome Measures and Evaluation in Counselling and Psychotherapy
2020 || Paperback || Evans || SAGE
This book throws a life belt to all counselling and psychotherapy trainees and practitioners looking to make the best start in their research-informed career.
Safeguarding Across the Life Span
2021 || Paperback || June Keeling e.a. || SAGE
A grounding to the key issues in safeguarding today, highlighting the key skills and knowledge necessary for effective practice
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Understanding Digital Culture
2020 || Paperback || Vincent Miller || SAGE
From profiling databases and mashups to cybersex and the truth about social networking, Miller's insightful second edition traces the pervasive influence of 'digital culture' throughout contemporary life.
An Invitation to Environmental Sociology
2020 || Paperback || Michael Mayerfeld Bell e.a. || SAGE
If there were ever a time for environmental sociology, it is now. As COVID-19 is spreading across our communities, our countries, our world, we have all become too familiar with maintaining that awful term of "social distance." Yet there can be no true distance from that which is always with us and within us: our social ecology An Invitation to Environmental Sociology invites students to delve into this rapidly changing field. Written in a lively, engaging style, the authors cover a broad ran...
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Action Research
2021 || Paperback || Ernest T. Stringer e.a. || SAGE
Action Research is an invaluable guide to novice researchers from a diversity of disciplines, backgrounds, and levels of study for understanding how action research works in real-life contexts. It helps students see the value of their research in a broader context, beyond academia, to effect change on a larger scale.