› Sociologie algemeen (28)
› Algemene sociale weten... (22)
› Onderwijs en opvoeding (20)
» Toon alle opties (19)
› Sociologie van beleids... (11)
› Naslagwerken algemeen (10)
› Psychologie algemeen (9)
› Beroepenvoorlichting (8)
› Arbeidspsychologie (3)
› Cultuur- en mentalitei... (3)
› Economie en bedrijf al... (3)
› Meteorologie en fysisc... (3)
› Politicologie (3)
› Stadssociologie (3)
› Filosofie algemeen (2)
› Geneeskunde algemeen (2)
› Klinische psychologie (2)
› Laboratoriumtechniek (2)
› Mens en maatschappij a... (2)
› Non-fictie informatief... (2)
› Organisatiepsychologie (2)
› Wijsgerige en historis... (2)
Resultaten (175)
morgen verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Innovation in Social Research Methods
2014 || Paperback || Williams || SAGE
Now available in paperback: This book brings together the most innovative contemporary ideas in method and methodology from global experts
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Teaching Synthetic Phonics
2021 || Paperback || Rhona Johnston e.a. || SAGE
This practical, up-to-date guide helps trainee teachers understand the theory behind phonics and how children's learning of reading can develop using synthetic phonics.
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Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
Putting Theory Into Action
2014 || Paperback || Morgaine || SAGE
"Provides an important step in the ongoing evolution of generalist practice in social work. It continues a rich tradition [that] challenges the profession to become more and more explicit about the revolutionary aspect of practice" - Christian Itin, Metropolitan State University of Denver
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Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners
A Leader's Guide
2014 || Paperback || Honigsfeld || SAGE
Provides templates for creating English Language Learners profiles that will enable you to address their unique needs. It prompts for professional learning activities and further readings. This book includes the latest research findings on best instructional practices that benefit ELs.
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Contemporary Brand Management
2014 || Paperback || Johansson || SAGE
This new text covers the principles of brand management and strategy, succintly following a natural sequence of branding topics, from the building of a new brand, to brand extension and the creation of a global brand, to the management of a firm's brand portfolio.
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Cnaan, R: Cases in Innovative Nonprofits
2014 || Paperback || Cnaan || SAGE
By using a simple, identical format for each case, this text facilitates student learning through comparative review, providing a deeper understanding about the complexity and steps required to achieve nonprofit social innovation.
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Mixed Methods in Health Sciences Research
A Practical Primer
2014 || Paperback || Curry || SAGE
Packed with illustrations from the health sciences literature, the book shows students how to design, conduct, review, and use mixed methods research findings. Throughout the book, real-world examples and insights from mixed methods researchers provide unique perspectives on every aspect of mixed methods research.
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Qualitative Online Interviews
Strategies, Design, and Skills
2014 || Paperback || Salmons || SAGE
Putting an emphasis on using in-depth interviews in qualitative research, this book shows readers how to expand the scope of their research
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Confronting Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse
2014 || Paperback || Crosson-Tower || SAGE
The first textbook to take a comprehensive look at the history, theory and treatment of child and adolescent sexual abuse, this book covers all aspects of child and adolescent sexual abuse from the history, theory and treatment to special issues such as pornography and the Internet. There are also dedicated chapters on assessment, intervention, treatment and prevention.
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Constructing Grounded Theory
2014 || Paperback || Kathy Charmaz || SAGE
Presenting readers with a reflective view of Grounded Theory from a constructivist perspective, this Second Edition continues to expertly introduce key debates in the field.