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Resultaten (236)
A Very Short Introduction
2017 || Paperback || Brian Charlesworth e.a. || Oxford University Press
Less than 450 years ago, all European scholars believed that the Earth was at the centre of a Universe that was at most a few million miles in extent, and that the planets, sun, and stars all rotated around this centre. Less than 250 years ago, they believed that the Universe was created essentially in its present state about 6000 years ago. Even less than 150 years ago, the view that living species were the result of special creation by God was still dominant.
The recognition by Charles Darw...
Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine / 5th edition
2022 || Paperback || Robert Davidson e.a. || Oxford University Press
The new edition of this unique handbook continues to provide an accessible and comprehensive, signs-and-symptoms based source of information on medical problems commonly seen in the tropics. A practical guide to diagnosis and management for medical practitioners and students, it provides vital information at the reader's fingertips.
Human Evolution
A Very Short Introduction
2019 || Paperback || Bernard Wood || Oxford University Press
The study of human evolution is advancing rapidly. Newly discovered fossil evidence is adding ever more pieces to the puzzle of our past, whilst revolutionary technological advances in the study of ancient DNA are completely reshaping theories of early human populations and migrations. In this Very Short Introduction Bernard Wood traces the history of paleoanthropology from its beginnings in the eighteenth century to the very latest fossil finds.
In this new edition he discusses how Ancient D...
Business Research Methods / 6th edition
2022 || Paperback || Emma Bell e.a. || Oxford University Press
This extremely popular text is the complete introduction to doing business research and is the ideal guide for students embarking on a research project. The authors have extensively revised this sixth edition to make it the most engaging and relevant text available. New chapters on quantitative methods and visual research offer extensive coverage of these areas and even greater practical support in applying these techniques, while cutting-edge material on inclusivity and bias in research, fem...
vandaag verzonden
Introduction to International Development / 4th edition
Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice
2021 || Paperback || Paul A. Haslam e.a. || Oxford University Press
The most comprehensive introduction to international development, with chapters by leading experts who explore the field's most pressing issues and debates. Introduction to International Development is a collection of contributed chapters comprised of original essays by leading experts from a variety of disciplines. With four new chapters and the most up-to-date content on the global COVID-19 pandemic, this fully revised edition continues to give students a foundational overview to the field ...
vandaag verzonden
Engaged Scholarship
A Guide for Organizational and Social Research
2007 || Paperback || Andrew H. Van de Ven || Oxford University Press
A guide for organizational and social research in business studies and the social sciences, providing a clear framework for research design and methodology. It will be an invaluable tool for academics, researchers, and graduate students across the social sciences concerned with rigorous and relevant research in the contemporary world.
vandaag verzonden
International Law: A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction
2021 || Paperback || Vaughan Lowe || Oxford University Press
International law lies at the heart of our interaction with the global community. It protects rights, imposes duties, and establishes a framework for the conduct of almost every social, political, and economic activity. Vaughan Lowe explains the basic structural principles of international law, and looks at its potential and its limitations.
The Tempest
The Oxford Shakespeare
2008 || Paperback || William Shakespeare || Oxford University Press
Performed variously as escapist fantasy, celebratory fiction, and political allegory, The Tempest is one of the plays in which Shakespeare's genius as a poetic dramatist found its fullest expression. Significantly, it was placed first when published in the First Folio of 1623, and is now generally seen as the playwright's most penetrating statement about his art. Stephen Orgel's wide-ranging introduction examines changing attitudes to The Tempest, and reassesses the evidence behind the variou...
vandaag verzonden
The Caribbean before Columbus / 1st edition
2017 || Paperback || William F. Keegan e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Caribbean before Columbus is a new synthesis of the region's insular history. It combines the results of the authors' 55 years of archaeological research on almost every island in the three archipelagoes with that of their numerous colleagues and collaborators. The presentation operates on multiple scales: temporal, spatial, local, regional, environmental, social, and political.
In addition, individual sites are used to highlight specific issues. For the first time, the complete histories...
Animal Behavior / 3rd edition
Concepts, Methods, and Applications
2021 || Paperback || Shawn E. Nordell e.a. || Oxford University Press
EMPHASIZES CONCEPTS. Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Third Edition, uses broad organizing concepts to provide a framework for understanding the science of animal behavior. In an engaging, question-driven style, Shawn E. Nordell and Thomas J. Valone offer readers a clear learning progression for understanding and evaluating empirical research examples. FOCUSES ON METHODOLOGY AND THE PROCESS OF SCIENCE. Featured studies illustrate each concept and emphasize the experimen...