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Ruud van Empel - 25 Years of Photo Works 1995-2020

2020 || Hardcover || Idea Books B.V.

The book traces the exceptional career of Ruud van Empel, a pioneer in digital construction. Van Empel reveals an ability to capture the delicacy of the world through his works: editing and composing, from patiently collected and selected photographs he took himself. Ruud van Empel plays with our perception of reality and timeless, showing realistic but undoubtedly utopian portraits and landscapes.

With nearly 400 images that include photo sketches, enigmatic portraits, and lush nature, the ...

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Kerry James Marshall

The Graphic Work

2023 || Hardcover || Susan Tallman || Idea Books B.V.

Kerry James Marshall is een van Noord-Amerika’s belangrijkste hedendaagse kunstenaars en wordt geroemd om zijn werk dat de ondervertegenwoordiging van de zwarte figuur in de Westerse beeldcultuur aankaart. Marshall staat vooral bekend als schilder, maar heeft tijdens zijn carrière ook een uitgebreid grafisch oeuvre geproduceerd, dat nauwelijks gedocumenteerd is. In zijn jeugd leerde hij tekenen en schilderen, maar verdiepte hij zich ook in grafische druktechnieken. Het merendeel van zijn g...

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2022 || Hardcover || Bas Kosters e.a. || Idea Books B.V.

‘100MJ’ concerns an intuitive and personal drawing project about identity by Dutch artist Bas Kosters. The book shows a series of a hundred full page drawings based on the image of Michael Jackson. It is about how people are shaped trough the eyes of others, the reach of recognizability and identity. It plays with the ideas about visual culture and recognizability. In hundred portraits drawn on ephemera Kosters shows, in a poetic manner, man in all their strength.

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Kara Walker Book of Hours 2020-2021

2022 || Hardcover || Kara Walker || Idea Books B.V.

Over the course of 202-2021, during the pandemic, Kara Walker has produced series of drawings in the style of a medieval 'Book of Hours'. Enigmatic images appear to traverse a range of time periods, from scenes of biblical and mythological origins, to images of historical violence, to others that suggest more recent political strife. The highly personal nature of these images capture Walker's own response to the intersection of past and present as a way to understand our contemporary politica...

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Bart Lodewijks, 2020-2021

2022 || Hardcover || Bart Lodewijks e.a. || Idea Books B.V.

Situated in the middle of the river Maas, between the northern and southern parts of Rotterdam, Noordereiland is shaped like a typical riverboat. Bart Lodewijks trekked from its western to its eastern end, making his drawings in chalk on commercial buildings, ship cabins, quay walls, houses, and steel pipes. He then wrote a poetic account of the life he encountered on the island, published in three parts. His presence as an outsider there elicited both questions and stories from the island’...

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Expeditie Egypte

Het verhaal van een verzameling

2023 || Hardcover || Luc Delvaux || Idea Books B.V.

Expeditie Egypte verhaalt de geschiedenis van twee eeuwen fascinerende archeologische ontdekkingen en de totstandkoming van de Egyptische collectie vanhet Museum Kunst & Geschiedenis in Brussel. In de negentiende eeuw leefde er in Belgische diplomatieke en industriële kringen een grote belangstelling voor het verleden van Egypte, dat toen een belangrijke plaats bekleedde in de internationale politiek en economie. In de eerste decennia van de twintigste eeuw speelde de flamboyante egyptoloo...

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|| Hardcover || Daan van Golden || Idea Books B.V.

From the early diametric abstraction to the recent series of silhouette paintings, passing through photographic works and ephemera never printed before, this book offers the most comprehensive gathering of Daan van Golden's work to date. It includes, moreover, a complete list of work, arranged by medium and chronologically, and the collections that hold them. Essays by Devrim Bayar, Sven Lütticken and Erik Thys. Published in collaboration with WIELS, Brussels.

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Raphael in Detail

2020 || Hardcover || Idea Books B.V.

Crowned the “Prince of Painters” by Giorgio Vasari, Raphael (1483–1520) was one of the most popular artists of the Italian Renaissance. Famous for his serene and harmonious series of Madonnas and his work at the Vatican Palace, he was an extremely influential painter, both during and after his own lifetime. Raphael in Detail shows his masterpieces in unprecedented, large-format details. The art historian and specialist of the Italian Renaissance, Stefano Zuffi, takes the reader on a voy...

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Art, Craft & Community

2021 || Hardcover || London Center for Book Arts e.a. || Idea Books B.V.

Produced by the London Centre for Book Arts, this publication introduces the reader to a wonderful world of artisanal paper and ink makers, typographers, printers, bookbinders, artists, publishers, and booksellers. Take a peek into the universes of 30 craftspeople and makers located around the world, from Tokyo to New York. Some still follow age-old techniques, while others use the latest modern technologies, or even a combination of both. With ‘Books: Art, Craft & Community’ we not only ...

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The Riddles of Ukiyo-e

Women and Men in Japanese Prints

2023 || Hardcover || Jim Dwinger || Idea Books B.V.

Aan de hand van beelden van vrouwen en mannen uit de hoogtijdagen van de Japanse prentkunst (1765–1865) gaat dit boek dieper in op de subtiele iconografie en de complexe symbolen die eigen zijn aan deze traditie. De intrigerende elementen verwijzen naar de Japanse geschiedenis, literatuur, mythologie, mode, folklore en roddels uit de Edo-periode en zijn soms moeilijk te onderscheiden, laat staan te vatten, zonder de juiste kennis.