› Laura Gyeney (5)
› Marcel Szabó (5)
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› Ingeborg Schwenzer (3)
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Resultaten (272)
morgen verzonden
Illegal Waste Management Activity in the Process of Bunker Fuel Production
A Criminological Case Study of Corporate Environmental Crime and Its Enforcement
2023 || Hardcover || Giulia Giardi || Eleven international publishing
Wherever you are right now, there’s a good chance that an object in your vicinity is connected to the stories told in this book. The phone in your pocket, the chair you’re sitting on, or the shirt you’re wearing – they likely travelled to you on a large container ship, which burned bunker fuel. Alternatively, petroleum-based substances were likely used in their production, which involved the generation of waste oils. We rarely talk about waste oils or bunker fuel, yet they are essenti...
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Research Methodology for International Crimes
An Introduction to Research Methods
2017 || Paperback || Catrien Bijleveld || Eleven international publishing
International crimes are the gravest crimes we know. International crimes – under which are classified genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes – entail murder, rape, looting, destruction, and in general the uprooting of families and entire societies. The study of these crimes is not without its own peculiarities and obstacles. The purpose of this book is to discuss the methodological and statistical particularities from a non-technical, conceptual point of view. The book has been...
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The Electronic CISG
7th MAA schlechtriem CISG conference
2017 || Paperback || Ingeborg Schwenzer e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In this book the authors engage with the interface between the rise of electronic communications and the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The contributors consider the opportunities, challenges and problems in adapting the CISG to deal with issues arising from the information age.
In revisiting the CISG in light of technological advances that have changed the world since it was drafted, this book collects chapters dealing with the intersection between the C...
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The Illicit Medicines Trade From Within
an Analysis of the Demand and Supply Sides of the Illicit Market for Lifestyle Medicines
2018 || Paperback || Rosa Koenraadt || Eleven international publishing
In recent decades all sorts of illicit medicines have been increasingly traded world-wide: from antibiotics to weight loss drugs, and antimalarial tablets to steroids. The illicit medicines market is generally associated with considerable health risks for its users, as well as with high revenues and a perceived growing degree of criminal organization. It is therefore important to gain extensive criminological insights into this global market. This book provides indepth and empirically-grounde...
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Ministers of Justice in Comparative Perspective
2019 || Hardcover || Piotr Mikuli e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This book analyses the institution of Minister of Justice in the constitutional systems of several European countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and Poland. The research was based on the hypothesis that the Minister of Justice is, in fact, inessential, because the institution is to a large extent incompatible with the principles of the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary. Certain competences currently assigned to this institution migh...
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Hungarian Yearbook of International Law 2019
2020 || Hardcover || Marcel Szabó e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law comprises a collection of articles written mostly by Hungarian authors, covering developments in the field of international law and EU law, and progress in the domestic implementation and application of these fields of law. The thematic part of the volume centers around the issues of environmental protection on the national, European and international level. The Yearbook also contains numerous articles on Hungarian state practice, c...
Perspectives of Global Constitutionalism
the use of foreign and international law
2014 || Hardcover || Gabor Halmai || Eleven international publishing
While global constitutional ideas migrate across countries, continents, agencies and institutions, internationally accepted principles of constitutionalism and human rights influence national governments that have been able to keep their sovereignty. This book looks into the fascinating question of convergence and sovereignty by approaching the issue from various angels: the use of foreign and international law in national constitution-making and constitutional interpretation on the one hand,...
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Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence
Improving Indonesian Law and Practice in Investigating Cybercrime
2020 || Paperback || Josua Sitompul || Eleven international publishing
The success of many cybercrime investigations depends on the accessibility of electronic evidence (e-evidence) stored abroad. Whereas cybercrime knows no frontiers and cyberspace remains an un-territorialised realm, a State has territorial boundaries. Indonesia and many other States have attempted to resolve problems of cross-border access in obtaining e-evidence from cyberspace. This book investigates aspects of international law, criminal procedure law, and data protection law as foundation...
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Credit rating agency liability in Europe
2021 || Paperback || D.J. Verheij || Eleven international publishing
The credit rating industry called for many debates on its civil liability since the origin of the industry at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 2013, the Union legislature introduced a right to damages, which issuers and investors can directly enforce against credit rating agencies under Article 35a CRA Regulation. This provision has drawn attention because of its remarkable structure: Article 35a CRA Regulation introduced a legal ground for civil liability at the European level, whi...
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Breaking the bank?
The regulatory implications of knowledge production through indicators
2021 || Hardcover || Shirley Kempeneer || Eleven international publishing
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, governments introduced stress tests to measure and monitor banks’ health. Breaking the Bank? assesses whether the EU‑wide banking stress test is a good regulatory tool. It deals with some of the key questions that still linger about the exercise: do the benefits of the stress test outweigh the enormous cost? Is it tough enough on banks? And, does it tell us which banks are healthy or not?
Beyond the scope of the stress test, the book addresse...