› Willemien Brand (6)
› Dorte Nielsen (4)
› Annemiek van Boeijen (3)
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› Ramon Vullings (3)
› Sofie Beier (3)
› Yvo Zijlstra (3)
› Baires Raffaelli (2)
› Coen Luijten (2)
› Conny Bakker (2)
› David Snellenberg (2)
› Donald Roos (2)
› Ed van Hinte (2)
› Els Dragt (2)
› Geurt Jan de Heus (2)
› Harry G. Starren (2)
› Jaap Daalhuizen (2)
› Jan Karel Mak (2)
› Jess Henderson (2)
› Joris van Dooren (2)
› Koos Eissen (2)
› Marije Vogelzang (2)
› Renate Boere (2)
› Roel Frissen (2)
› Roselien Steur (2)
› Ruud Janssen (2)
› Wina Smeenk (2)
› Creatief denken (34)
› Vormgeving en design (28)
› Management algemeen (17)
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› Fontys Hogescholen (6)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (6)
› Hogeschool Utrecht (3)
› Saxion (3)
Resultaten (146)
morgen verzonden
How to Make Better Ideas
Connecting the Left and Right Brain in the Design Process
2020 || Paperback || Joost Roozekrans || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
'How to Create Better Ideas' gives insight in the design process and how to create better ideas with examples ranging from Precious Plastic to the Sheltersuit. It is divided into two sections: the right and left brain. The first part analyses the general design process. The second part introduces six self developed methods that teach you to create more and better visual ideas relevant for all design disciplines.
It is a book for anyone who would like to learn and understand design more in-dep...
morgen verzonden
Happy is Up, Sad is Down
65 Metaphors for Design
2020 || Hardcover || Jörn Hurtienne e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
We think, feel and talk in metaphors. Why not use them for design?
Feeling down? Cheer up! We use metaphors every day and often without being aware of it. Many metaphors are more than figures of speech. They reflect basic bodily experiences and help to structure our thinking and experiences of the world. 'Happy is Up, Sad is Down' is a collection of 65 metaphors with research facts and applications in product and interaction design, information graphics and advertising.
Metaphors show how to...
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Captains of Leadership
Build Your Facilitative Confidence
2021 || Paperback || Alwin Put || BIS Publishers
morgen verzonden
Design to change
Drive change by mastering event design conversations
2023 || Paperback || Roel Frissen e.a. || BIS Publishers
Discover why intentional event design is crucial and how you can create positive organisational changes.
Curious about how events can make a difference and create a meaningful impact? Then this is the book for you. 'Design to Change' offers valuable insights into the power of purposeful and strategic event design.
Find out why intentional event design is crucial to drive positive organisational changes. Learn how to identify an event's desired outcomes and design experiences that align with ...
morgen verzonden
How To Research Trends - Revised Edition
Move beyond trendwatching to kickstart innovation
2023 || Paperback || Els Dragt || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Take a deep dive into the future with this book as your trusty companion. "How to Research Trends" shows you how to navigate and explore using the powerful tool of trend research. Learn how to scan the environment for signs of change, analyze trend spots, and apply insights to kickstart innovation.
This revised edition is designed for professionals who want to incorporate trend research into their own work. It features new interviews with professionals and agencies, as well as new theories, i...
morgen verzonden
Convivial design toolbox
generative research for the front end of design
2012 || Paperback || Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders e.a. || BIS Publishers
The book introduces an emerging domain of design that is of immense interest today not only to the academic design research community but also to those in the business community charged with the development of human-cantered products, systems, services and/or environments. All the information is new. There are no other books with this focus and coverage currently available.The book is written by two design professors from the USA and Holland and will be the perfect text book to use in educati...
morgen verzonden
This Human
how to be the person designing for other people
|| Paperback || Melis Senova || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
There are many great design books in existence that teach us about design process, tools and methods. With the increasing popularity of design thinking and human-centred design we've also seen more material discussing various aspects of the practice. One missing aspect, almost in an ironic twist, is what it takes to be the actual person who is doing the designing.The name 'This Human' is referring to that person. The person who needs to observe to gain insight, to makes sense of their observa...
morgen verzonden
Notes on Design
How Creative Practice Works
|| Paperback || Kees Dorst || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The enjoyable essays in this book provide a panoramic view over the subject of design. The essays are written to encourage designers and students of design to reflect upon their field. Fundamental questions are raised about the nature of design, about designers themselves, and about the role of design within the broader contexts of business an society.
Kees Dorst trained as an industrial design engineer at Delft University of Technology. He has worked as a product designer for various design f...
morgen verzonden
How to Research Trends Workbook
2018 || Paperback || Els Dragt || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Have you ever wondered how you can research the future? Trend research is a powerful method to detect and recognise change at an early stage. This DIY guide has been developed to show you the way in the trend research cycle. It will help you to find direction and which corners to take when you are scanning, analysing and applying the trends for any type of challenge or topic. This guide is to be used in combination with the book 'How to Research Trends'.
You can use it to challenge yourself o...
morgen verzonden
Delft Design Guide (revised edition)
Perspectives - Models - Approaches - Methods
2021 || Paperback || Annemiek van Boeijen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well known and are used by designers worldwide. Designing products and services at this faculty is considered a systematic and structured activity, deliberately and purposefully, and with moments of increased creativity.