Resultaten (108)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Visual Working

Business Drawing Skills for Effective Communication

2023 || Paperback || Willemien Brand || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Enhance your productivity at work with “Visual Working,” the follow-up to the successful “Visual Thinking” and “Visual Doing.”

This practical workbook shows you how to use drawing as a fun and effective way to communicate at work. It provides simple steps to incorporate business drawing into your daily routine so that you can express ideas with images as easily as with words.

Discover the Five Visual Thinking Types and use practical tips to improve collaboration and communication...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Creative thinker's exercise book

2016 || Paperback || Dorte Nielsen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

This exercise book is a spin-off to The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker: How to make connections others don't. While this book is based on a dynamic balance of theory, technique, and exercises, the Creative Thinker's Exercise Book is a practical hands-on workbook, the perfect outlet to get your hands dirty and dive into exercises that strengthen one's ability to see and make connections.

This book is for those seeking to enhance their creativity. It can be used to:

- Develop one's creat...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Strategic design

eight essential practices every strategic designer must master

2016 || Paperback || Giulia Calabretta e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

The role of design professionals' in innovation is growing towards a more strategic one. They are no longer just executors of new product and/or service design briefs but are increasingly involved in the crafting of these briefs and in the strategic decisions leading to these briefs. In order to effectively play this role, design professionals need to master a set of strategic practices - i.e., routinized actions and ways of working. However, since the strategic role of designers is a relativ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Visual Doing

Applying Visual Thinking in your Day to Day Business

2018 || Paperback || Willemien Brand || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

After the success of 2017’s Visual Thinking, the author noticed that people enjoy discovering how easy it is to use drawings in business communication. But they still have no guide to satisfy their desire to tell a visual story in a very simple way. That is why the author has now written Visual Doing. This book will fulfil this desire, not by drilling deeper into the advice in the first book, but by ‘undeepening’ Chapters 3 and 4. These chapters, both about drawing in visual business se...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Products That Last

Product Design for Circular Business Models

2019 || Paperback || Conny Bakker e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Products that Last starts where most books on product development end. This new edition (first self-published by the TU Delft) contains new examples and insights from recent publications. From the perspective of designers and entrepreneurs, once a product has been designed, produced and sold, it disappears beyond the newness horizon. They are little aware of the opportunities that exist in the next product universe, where money is made from products in use, as well as from a product’s after...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


Drawing Techniques for Product Designers

2019 || Paperback || Koos Eissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

A must have for product design students!

Are designers still making drawings by hand? Isn’t it more advanced to use a computer in this computer era? Some may think sketching is a disappearing skill, but if you ever enter a design studio, you will find out differently. Studios still make sketches and drawings by hand and in most cases, quite a lot of them. They are an integral part of the decision-making process, used in the early stages of design, in brainstorming sessions, in the phase of ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Innovation Matrix

3 Moves to Design a Winning Strategy for Innovation and Intellectual Property

2019 || Paperback || Deepika Jeyakodi e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar


Organizations today innovate to survive in a competitive, complex, and interconnected business world. They co-create with others outside their own organization to succeed. But capturing the value of these bright ideas separately is often very complicated.

The Innovation Matrix simplifies and structures innovation management. Start looking at innovation and Intellectual Property (IP) from a pragmatic perspective. This book will take yo...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

How to Survive the Organizational Revolution

2019 || Paperback || Ard-Pieter de Man e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

People face a bewildering choice of new organizational design options. New organizational forms are sweeping across business, now that information technology enables better communication, both internally and across boundaries. This book helps managers to navigate the new landscape, by providing a concise and practical overview of forms like holacracy, the Spotify-model, platform organizations, multidimensional organizing and ecosystems. It discusses these forms and provides a user guide, show...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Hidden Persuasion

33 psychological influence techniques in advertising

2019 || Paperback || Marc Andrews e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Visual messages are omnipresent in our daily life. They are constantly attempting to persuade us to buy, learn and act. Some are more successful than others in influencing our behavior and choices. What is the secret power of these messages? How do they succeed in changing our behavior?

This book analyzes advertising beyond the persuasive power of the imagery itself. It explains the psychology behind 33 effective influence techniques in visual persuasion and how to apply them.

The techniques ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 18,04

How to Make Better Ideas

Connecting the Left and Right Brain in the Design Process

2020 || Paperback || Joost Roozekrans || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

'How to Create Better Ideas' gives insight in the design process and how to create better ideas with examples ranging from Precious Plastic to the Sheltersuit. It is divided into two sections: the right and left brain. The first part analyses the general design process. The second part introduces six self developed methods that teach you to create more and better visual ideas relevant for all design disciplines.

It is a book for anyone who would like to learn and understand design more in-dep...