Resultaten (44)

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JFDE - Special issue PowerSkin 2019

Special issue PowerSkin 2019

2019 || Paperback || Ulrich Knaack e.a. || TU Delft Open

This issue of the Journal of Façade Design and Engineering is a result of the second façade conference, PowerSkin, held on January 17th 2019, in the context of the building trade fair ‘BAU’ in Munich. The conference was organized collaboratively by TU Munich, TU Darmstadt, and TU Delft. All three universities conduct high-impact research and education in the field of building envelopes. The conference featured a mix of practice and education experiences, as well as scientific contributi...

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Residents’ Perceptions of Impending Forced Relocation in Urban China

A case study of state-led urban redevelopment in Shenyang

2018 || Paperback || Xin Li || TU Delft Open

Since 1978, urban redevelopment in China has resulted in large-scale neighbourhood demolition and forced residential relocation, which can severely disrupt established people-place interactions in the demolished neighbourhoods. This issue of A+BE conceptualises forced relocation as a process and as a specific type of residential mobility that occurs in the context of urban restructuring. It suggests a conceptual model to show the sequence of events that households experience

during urban rede...

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Delft Lectures on Architectural Design

2018 || Paperback || Eireen Schreurs || TU Delft Open

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Ontwerpen, tekenen, maken & betekenen

2021 || Paperback || Walter Lockefeer || TU Delft Open

Deze dissertatie is het resultaat van een lang onderzoekstraject naar het waarom en het hoe vrijevormarchitectuur ontworpen, getekend en gemaakt wordt en wat de filosofische en fenomenologische betekenis is van vrijevormarchitectuur. Het antwoord op deze waarom en hoe vragen wordt in vier delen behandeld:

In de eerste twee delen - het ontwerpen en het tekenen - wordt antwoord gegeven op de vragen: hoe worden de gebouwen ontworpen? Hoe worden ze getekend? Wat is het aandeel van de ontwerper e...