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Murphy (2)
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Susan Ogier (2)
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Tjeerd Kimman (2)
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Toon Abcouwer (2)
Vincent Glerum (2)
Wendy Jolliffe (2)
Wiebke Kirleis (2)
William Carlson (2)
William Shakespeare (2)
Yehuda Baruch (2)
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teNeues Verlag (2)
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Resultaten (1574)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Bud Monkey Fable

2022 || Paperback || Kenneth D. Bolden || Sweek

Right On Man!

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Technology And Regulation 2019

Volume 1

2022 || Paperback || Ronald Leenes || Open Press Tilburg University

Technology and Regulation (TechReg) is an international journal of law, technology and society, with an interdisciplinary identity. TechReg provides an online platform for disseminating original research on the legal and regulatory challenges posed by existing and emerging technologies (and their applications) including, but by no means limited to, the Internet and digital technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, neurotechnology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Female Cycle Power

Connect with your natural cycle.

2022 || Paperback || Corry Pauwels || Storyland POD

What if there is a real connection between your general health, feeling good, and getting to know your skin and your cycle better?

To feel your body?

Does this stimulate your curiosity about how it can be different to be in a woman's body?

How you can experience your cycle in a conscious way?

How to adjust your calendar to your cycle? Not making appointments when it’s that time of the cycle, when your body asks for rest?

Corry is a passionate woman who, on her way to more consciousness, he...

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The Cycle of the Zodiac Signs

Archetypes Rooted in Reality

2022 || Paperback || Annemiek Bosch || Mijnbestseller.nl

This survey of how astrology works was not written specifically for astrologers. Its purpose is to formulate a materialist theory of what is empirically demonstrated in astrology; our relationship with the cosmos.

Starting with the most feeble part of the astrological framework, Annemiek Bosch presents an explanation for the manifestation of the zodiac signs through the year. This cycle appears to be correlated with Earth's angular movement towards and away from the supermassive black hole in...

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met 5% korting 16,10

Fanciful Nature

Vol. 112 Gift & Creative Papers

2022 || Paperback || Pepin van Roojen || Pepin Press B.V., The

Create outstanding gift packages and papercraft projects with our strikingly designed papers! PEPIN Gift & Creative Paper Books offer 12 high-quality sheets, boasting a broad assortment of modern and classical art and design styles. The sheets are folded to fit into the books; tear along the perforated line to open them up to the standard gift wrap size of 500x700mm.

Titles include vintage design themes, botanical and floral styles, cultural styles and artist-themed books, all put into editor...

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Gilded Splendor

Iconography of the pendules noirs in the Parnassia Collection

2022 || Paperback || Bart Krieger e.a. || Ef & Ef Media

In this cahier, art historians Alette Fleischer (PhD) and Bart Krieger (M.A.) unravel the hidden messages of the black clocks of the Parnassia Collection and categorize them in a novel way. They have aimed to contextualize the pendulum clocks au Noir in the historic timeframe they were created in and displayed (ca 1790-1830) and uncovered some of their iconographic secrets with links to the transatlantic slavetrade, Eurocentrism and the French Enlightenment. Moreover, the two art historians p...

Vandaag besteld,
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Francis Picabia. Catalogue Raisonné Vol IV.

1940 – 1953

2022 || Hardcover || Exhibitions International

This publication, the fourth volume of an important catalogue raisonné of the work of Francis Picabia (1879-1953), includes paintings and selected drawings dating from 1940 into 1952.

During the war years, while still residing in the south of France, Picabia was primarily occupied by figural subjects - multi figure allegories, female nudes, and glamorous female "portraits" - painted in bold illusionistic relief. Notorious even in his lifetime, most of these works are now known to have adapte...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 91,15

Application, Adaptation and Rejection

The strategies of Roman jurists in responsa concerning Greek documents

2022 || Paperback || Quintijn Mauer || Eleven international publishing

By the second century AD the Roman empire had grown into a vast multilingual and pluriform empire. Unlike in the Roman West, where the lingua franca was Latin, the inhabitants of the Roman East predominantly spoke Greek. From a legal perspective, these inhabitants of the Roman East lived in a legal culture not dominated by Roman law, but by norms from an Hellenistic legal culture. To resolve their legal controversies, these inhabitants of the Roman East, sometimes, asked advice from renowned ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 104,45

The Art of Moving Borders

Liber Amicorum Hildegard Schneider

2022 || Paperback || Sarah Schoenmaekers e.a. || Eleven international publishing

This liber amicorum is dedicated to Prof. dr. Hildegard Schneider who has shaped the study of European migration and asylum law and was a pioneer in fighting against legal and practical barriers to free movement. Hildegard’s profound impact on the faculty of law of Maastricht University is well noticeable due to her multidisciplinary research and teaching initiatives, the creation of several multidisciplinary institutes and because of her early emphasis on the societal relevance of legal re...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Who Owns Africa?

Neocolonialism, Investment, and the New Scramble

2022 || Paperback || Bekeh Utietiang Ukelina || Leuven University Press

The independence of African countries from their European colonizers in the late 1950s and 1960s marked a shift in the continent's political leadership. Nevertheless, the economies of African nations remained tied to those of their former colonies, raising questions of resource control and the sovereignty of these nation-states.

Who Owns Africa? addresses the role of foreign actors in Africa and their competing interests in exploiting the resources of Africa and its people. An interdisciplina...