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Resultaten (694)

Vandaag besteld,
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Music Thinking Jam Cards

An Innovative Approach to Create Meaningful Collaborations

2018 || Postcard book or pack || Christof Zürn || BIS Publishers BV

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Great Pocketbook Of Quotes

Old words are reborn with new faces. - Criss Jami

2019 || Paperback || Jean-Pierre Doran e.a. || ForWorth B.V.

Since the beginning of time, many great things have been said by very wise people. These wise words have been said in order to motivate and inspire us to take action and improve the quality of our lives.

Reading quotes on a daily basis can help you stay fully motivated and inspired every day! This is one of the most important feelings we need as human beings to change and improve our lives. For those who are seeking to become successful, having your mindset continuously on the positivity chan...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Great Pocketbook Of Quotes

Old words are reborn with new faces. - Criss Jami

2019 || Hardcover || Jean-Pierre Doran e.a. || ForWorth B.V.

Since the beginning of time, many great things have been said by very wise people. These wise words have been said in order to motivate and inspire us to take action and improve the quality of our lives.

Reading quotes on a daily basis can help you stay fully motivated and inspired every day! This is one of the most important feelings we need as human beings to change and improve our lives. For those who are seeking to become successful, having your mindset continuously on the positivity chan...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Design for Managing Obsolescence

A Design Methodology for Preserving Product Integrity in a Circular Economy

2018 || Paperback || Marcel den Hollander || Marcel den Hollander || met inkijkexemplaar

This thesis argues that in order to increase the likelihood that product lifetime extension in a circular economy will be successful from both an environmental and an economic perspective, industrial designers need to be able to control not only the spatial dimension (materialization and geometry) of products, but also their temporal dimension. This temporal dimension is related to the number and duration of product use cycles and the duration of the total product lifetime. To enable industri...

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Gaudí and the Amsterdam School

2018 || Paperback || Alice Roegholt e.a. || Museum Het Schip || met inkijkexemplaar

The fantastic works of Antoni Gaudí and the Amsterdam School still appeal to the imagination. And although the architects never met each other, they were children of the same period. They looked for beauty and individuality in a world which was becoming increasingly functional and impersonal.

At the heart of their designs are nature and its organic forms, craftsmanship and traditional materials. At the same time, though, they did not turn their backs on modernity, embracing new techniques an...

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ASML's architects

The story of the engineers who shaped the world's most powerful chip machines

2018 || Hardcover || René Raaijmakers || Techwatch Books || met inkijkexemplaar

ASML’s Architects

In the 1980s the American heavyweights Perkin-Elmer and GCA came under incredible fire from their Japanese competitors Canon and Nikon in the chip lithography market. As a result, the US lost its two-decade monopoly on this key technology, which is the driving force behind Moore’s law.

Meanwhile, an obscure, inconsequential lithography company in the Netherlands was taking its first steps. This company, ASML, is now an unparalleled success. It is the world’s biggest a...

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The Vitality of Intermodal Transport

2018 || Paperback || Hendrik Rodemann e.a. || InterRoJo Publications

„I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. It is exceedingly informative and reads extremely well, it has a logical structure throughout and also for me a lovely rhythm and pace.“

Dr Simon Templar, Visiting Fellow, Cranfield Centre for Logistics and

Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management,

Cranfield University, United Kingdom.

“During more than 40 years of engaging with European and global intermodal transport I have seen its development with all the ups and downs that belo...

Vandaag besteld,
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City Rhythm

2018 || Paperback || Caroline Nevejan e.a. || Multi Actor Systems, Delft University of Technology

Rhythm is fundamental to life. Rhythm can be perceived in the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars. Rhythm makes our hearts tick and defines our breath, in and out. And even the smallest particle in a microbe is part of rhythmic movements. Rhythm in activities is important for culture, for religion, and for sports, schools and hospitals for example. Yet in social situations, social analyses and in social policymaking, rhythm is not considered as a space of analyses or a space of design.

City Rhythm explores the potential of using rhythm analyses in the physical world and related data domain for enhancing social safety in neighbourhoods in the Netherlands. Rhythm in the physical world happens both in space as well as in time. Rhythm in data can connect to location (instead of persons), thus circumventing the issue of privacy. However, because the data addresses specific times and places, nonetheless the data still addresses significant social issues...

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The Strategy Handbook, Part 2: Strategy Execution (e-book)

A practical and refreshing guide for making strategy work

2018 || E-book (download) via Adobe (ePub) || Jeroen Kraaijenbrink || Effectual Strategy Press || met inkijkexemplaar

In this second part of The Strategy Handbook, Jeroen Kraaijenbrink offers a refreshing and practical approach to strategy execution that completes the strategy process outlined in Part 1. Grounded in both research and practical experience, the book provides a structured approach to making strategy execution work.

In an enjoyable and to-the-point style, The Strategy Handbook guides you through a four-step approach to strategy execution and shows you how this approach can be tailored to the sp...

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met 5% korting 75,05

The law and policy of international trade in electricity

2018 || Paperback || Karolis Gudas || Europa Law Publishing

The book examines the legal guarantees provided under the European Union (EU) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules for the development of electricity transmission systems, either by constructing new transmission lines or by increasing transmission capacity. In the context of analysis of trade rules, the book makes the argument that, if long-distance trade in electricity remains a feasible option, the development of electricity transmission projects must be made subject to economic, te...