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Resultaten (614)

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met 5% korting 61,80

TRIM (The Rational IT Model™) Foundation - Courseware

foundation courseware

2017 || Paperback || Pelle Råstock || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar

The Courseware package consist out of two publications, TRIM (The Rational IT Model™) Foundation Courseware (ISBN: 978 94 018 0201 7) and TRIM: The Rational IT Model (ISBN: 978 94 018 0052 5).

This training consists of two days, which provide preparation for the TRIM Foundation exam. The courseware convers the basics of The Rational IT Model and provides a simpler way for organizations to adapt Service Management as a practice.

Apart from the certificate that you will receive when passing t...

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Dutch New York histories

connecting African, native American and slavery heritage ; verbonden met Afrikaans, inheems Amerikaans en slavernij-erfgoed

2017 || Paperback || Dienke Hondius e.a. || LM Publishers

Wist U dat de beroemde zwarte Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijder Sojourner Truth als slavin van een Nederlandstalige slaveneigenaar werd geboren en tot haar tiende jaar Nederlands sprak? Of dat de Nederlanders tot slaaf gemaakte Afrikanen naar Noord Amerika brachten in schepen van de West Indische Compagnie? Deze verrassende gids toont de sporen van Nederlandse aanwezigheid in New York, de stad en de staat. Het accent ligt op het Nederlands bewind in Nieuw Amsterdam en Nieuw Nederland in zeventien...

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Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Series 1 Radulphus Brito. Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis

quaestiones super priora analytica aristotelis

2017 || Hardcover || Gordon A. Wilson || Leuven University Press

The history of logic and its development during the medieval period.

Radulphus Brito's Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis is a major work written in the early 1300s which treated Aristotle's text devoted to the theory of the syllogism. Brito, perhaps one of the most influential medieval thinkers known as the Modistae, examines both categorical and hypothetical syllogisms. In his text, based on six known manuscripts which are complete or nearly complete, Brito was critical of many ...

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Cold War Triangle

2017 || Paperback || Renilde Loeckx || Lipsius Leuven

The extraordinary story of scientists in East and West combatting HIV

A small group of scientists were doggedly working in the field of antiviral treatments when the AIDS epidemic struck. Faced with one of the grand challenges of modern biology of the twentieth century, scientists worked across the political divide of the Cold War to produce a new class of antivirals. Their molecules were developed by a Californian start-up together with teams of scientists at the Rega Institute of KU Leuven ...

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The Human Recipe

Understanding your genes in today’s society

2017 || Paperback || Pascal Borry e.a. || Leuven University Press

A smart and witty guide to all you want to know about human genetics.

Human genetics is not the playground of science alone. Genetics concerns all of us, for we all have DNA, genes, genomes, and chromosomes. Our genes determine partly our appearance and our behaviour, our talents and our health risks.

The authors of 'The Human Recipe' use humour to explain what we understand about human genetics. With anecdotes and topical examples, they demonstrate how genetics affects our everyday lives. Wh...

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A E I OU. Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes by Tony Fretton

2017 || Paperback || Tony Fretton || Jap Sam Books

A E I OU Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes. The name itself says something of the nature of Tony Fretton's collected writing.

As an architect he has said 'Words, the most collective form of communication, thread their way through the projects, in explanations to clients and constructors, and as my means, along with drawings, of explaining the projects to my collaborators, to myself and to the wider world.'

As Professor of Architectural Design-Interiors at TU Delft, he wrote: 'Interi...

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met 5% korting 21,84

Master of Disaster

2017 || Paperback || Frank Krake || Warden Press || met inkijkexemplaar

This book tells the unbelievable story of "Master of Disaster" Frank Krake, and his experiences after becoming the director of the struggling patio furniture giant, Unimeta. In his ambitious attempts to make the company a success, he is continuously plagued by setbacks: A firework disaster destroys the company's entire inventory when the resulting massive explosion blows the warehouse and its contents to smithereens. Resulting in the death of 23 people and the injuries of over 1,000 others, t...

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Make Your City

De stad als casco - NDSM Shipyard, Amsterdam/The City as a Shell - NDSM Shipyard, Amsterdam

2017 || Paperback || Eva de Klerk e.a. || trancityXvaliz

Make Your City geeft een fascinerend beeld van twintig jaar pionieren in de stad, aangevuld met de lessen die daaruit te trekken zijn. In 1999 trok een bont gezelschap van skateboarders tot theatermakers en bijstandsmoeders in de toen verlaten scheepsbouwloods op de NDSM-werf in Amsterdam-Noord. Op eigen kracht ontwikkelden zij een toekomststrategie voor het gebouw en zijn omgeving: geen sloop maar herbestemming; een plek voor kleine maakindustrie en kunstenaars; geen tijdelijke invulling maa...

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Gunawan Tjahjono & Josef Prijotomo

2017 || Paperback || Gunawan Tjahjono e.a. || TU Delft Open || met inkijkexemplaar

In 2002, Gunawan Tjahjono opened his inaugural speech at University of Indonesia with a reference to Vincent Van Romondt, the last remaining Dutch tutor of architecture in Indonesia, who had pioneered an approach that challenged Indonesians to think about the relationship between architecture and 'nationbuilding'. Since independence, the topic of 'towards an Indonesian architecture,' has received various interpretations, with numerous references to Van Romondt. Josef Prijotomo, one of the mos...

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Socio-spatial change in Lithuania

2017 || Paperback || Rūta Ubarevičienė || TU Delft Open

This issue of A+BE sets out to contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps concerning the recent socio-spatial transformation processes and their consequences in Lithuania. The thesis aimed to contribute answers to the following questions:

- What are the main features and drivers of socio-spatial change in post-socialist Lithuania?

- Why, despite the growing economy and improvements in the standard of living, Lithuania is facing major challenges related to extreme population decline and...