
Resultaten (415)

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 38,95

A School Board Guide to Leading Successful Schools

Focusing on Learning

2013 || Paperback || Hirsh e.a. || SAGE

A guide designed to deepen school board members' understanding of high quality professional learning, its impact on student achievement, and its relation to key responsibilities and decisions of school boards.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Alternate Light Source Imaging

Forensic Photography Techniques

2013 || Paperback || Norman Marin e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Alternate Light Source Imaging provides a brief guide to digital imaging using reflected infrared and ultraviolet radiation for crime scene photographers. Clear and concise instruction illustrates how to accomplish good photographs in a variety of forensic situations. It demonstrates how tunable wavelength light sources and digital imaging techniques can be used to successfully locate and document physical evidence at the crime scene, in the morgue, or in the laboratory.

The scientific princi...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Demand Control Schema

Interpreting as a Practice Profession

2013 || Paperback || Robyn K. Dean e.a. || Createspace

The authors have been developing the demand control schema (DC-S) and their practice-profession approach to community interpreting since 1995. With its early roots pertaining to occupational health in the interpreting field, DC-S has evolved into a holistic work analysis framework which guides interpreters in their development of ethical and effective decision-making skills. Adapted from Robert Karasek’s demand control theory, this textbook is the culmination of nearly two decades of work, ...

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A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach / 2nd Edition

Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia: A clinician's guide

2013 || Hardcover || Anne Whitworth e.a. || Taylor & Francis

This is a second edition of the highly popular volume used by clinicians and students in the assessment and intervention of aphasia. It provides both a theoretical and practical reference to cognitive neuropsychological approaches for speech-language pathologists and therapists working with people with aphasia. Having evolved from the activity of a group of clinicians working with aphasia, it interprets the theoretical literature as it relates to aphasia, identifying available assessments and...

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The making of Samuel Beckett s l innommable / the unnamable Volume 2

the Beckett digital manuscript project

2015 || Paperback || Dirk van Hulle e.a. || UPA

This volume of the bdmp analyses the genesis of one of Beckett's most important works, the novel L'Innommable / The Unnamable, written in French in 1949-50 and translated into English by Beckett in 1956-8. Through an examination of the surviving manuscripts and typescripts, as well as the French and English pre-book-publication extracts, this study locates the novel within Beckett's developing aesthetic, especially his interest in Fritz Mauthner's 'critique of language' (Sprachkritik). It aim...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 28,45

Web Aesthetics / druk 1

how digital media affect culture and society

2013 || Paperback || Vito Campanelli || nai010 uitgevers publishers

In een wereld van snel groeiende digitale netwerken zijn in het domein van de mediatheorie, die de invloed van deze cultuurvormen bestudeert, de implicaties van de esthetische filosofie vergaand verwaarloosd. Vito Campanelli verkent de netwerkvormen vanuit de optiek van de esthetica en levert daarmee een open uitnodiging om de inherente beperkingen van het huidige debat over de digitale cultuur te overstijgen.Het web is het medium dat tussen de nieuwe media en de maatschappij in staat en meer...

Vandaag besteld,
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Looking for work in Finland / druk 1

2013 || Paperback || Nannette Ripmeester e.a. || Expertise in Labour Mobility B.V.

Does working abroad appeal to you? Does it sound like a great adventure or a perfect get away from your home country? Or perhaps the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture? Do not underestimate the situation: career hunting abroad requires more than translating your CV! Different cultures all require their own approach.

An ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work. Stop sending out hundreds of more or less similar applications every week. Each job, employer and count...

Vandaag besteld,
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Frisian Grammar

the basics

2015 || Paperback || Jan Popkema || Stichting Algemiene Fryske Underrjocht K

This book teaches you the grammatical rules of Frisian in an enjoyable and effective way. The presentation of these rules is well-ordered and transparant. The left-hand pages present grammatical information, which you can then put into practice on the opposite pages by means of illustrative exercises. The keys to these exercises are to be found at the end of the book. The basis grammar's systematic design and its register do not only make it very suitable for learning or brushing up the rules...

Vandaag besteld,
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Essayreeks The myth of Artisthood

2013 || Hardcover || Camiel van Winkel || Jap Sam Books

Zoals het aura van het kunstwerk in de twintigste eeuw al talloze malen is afgebrand, maar keer op keer uit zijn as herrees, zo komen ook oude clichés over de visionaire kunstenaar en diens soevereine schepppingsdrang steeds weer terug, zij het in nieuwe, aangepaste vormen.

Het kunstenaarschap is dus ook vandaag nog een mythe. Zit de kunstenaar per definitie gevangen in deze mythe? Is een gedemystificeerde kunstpraktijk voorstelbaar? Of heeft het kunstenaarschap zonder mythische lading geen ...

Vandaag besteld,
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Physics as a calling, science for society

studies in honour of A.J. Kox

2013 || Paperback || Ad Maas e.a. || Leiden Publications

The contributions in this volume cover the period between roughly 1850 and 1950, focusing for the most part on Dutch science. We find out why the world-famous Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory lost its leading position in the 1930s, how research on hormones and vitamins was established in the Netherlands, and how the discipline of modern experimental physics was strongly influenced by practices in astronomy.

By the first half of the twentieth century, fundamental research had acquired an almost invi...