Resultaten (62)

Levertijd: 13 werkdagen

Immanuel Kant: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science: With Selections from the Critique of Pure Reason

2004 || Paperback || Immanuel Kant || Cambridge University Press

Kant is the central figure of modern philosophy. He sought to rebuild philosophy from the ground up, and he succeeded in permanently changing its problems and methods. This revised edition of the Prolegomena, which is the best introduction to the theoretical side of his philosophy, presents his thought clearly by paying careful attention to his original language.

Also included are selections from the Critique of Pure Reason, which fill out and explicate some of Kant's central arguments (inclu...

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

2004 || Paperback || Dale Carnegie || Ebury Publishing

Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale Carnegie. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, he offers practical advice and techniques, in his exuberant and conversational style, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding.

His advice has stood the test of time and will teach you how to:

- make friends quickly and easily

- increase your popularity

- persuade people to follow your way of thinking

- enable you to win new...

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

The Public Sphere

An Introduction

2004 || Paperback || Alan McKee || Cambridge University Press

What is happening to public debate in Western cultures? Is our public sphere disintegrating? In the face of popular tabloid newspapers, new forms of reality television and an increasing lack of respect for traditional authorities, many critics are concerned that our society no longer has a rational, informed and unified space where everyone can communicate about the issues that affect us all. In this book Alan McKee answers these questions by providing an introduction to the concept of the pu...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Code Complete

A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

2004 || Paperback || Steve McConnell || Microsoft Press,U.S.

Widely considered one of the best practical guides to programming, Steve McConnell's original CODE COMPLETE has been helping developers write better software for more than a decade. Now this classic book has been fully updated and revised with leading-edge practices-and hundreds of new code samples-illustrating the art and science of software construction. Capturing the body of knowledge available from research, academia, and everyday commercial practice, McConnell synthesizes the most effect...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Marketing Across Cultures

2004 || Paperback || Fons Trompenaars e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The marketing process is beset by dilemmas and Marketing Across Cultures is a cornerstone book in the Culture for Business series. Trompenaars and Woolliams show how we can understand different markets and customer needs in a wide range of cultural contexts.

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met 5% korting 51,30

The Rational Emotive Behavioural Approach to Therapeutic Change

2004 || Paperback || Windy Dryden e.a. || SAGE

Describes the cognitive, emotional and behavioural techniques which clients can use to promote psychological change in themselves. This book discusses obstacles to change, which may arise at different points in the therapeutic process and provides strategies for tackling them.

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The Return of the Soldier

2004 || Paperback || Rebecca West || Random House

Set during World War I on an isolated country estate just outside London, Rebecca West's haunting novel The Return of the Soldier follows Chris Baldry, a shell-shocked captain suffering from amnesia, as he makes a bittersweet homecoming to the three women who have helped shape his life. Will the devoted wife he can no longer recollect, the favorite cousin he remembers only as a childhood friend, and the poor innkeeper's daughter he once courted leave Chris to languish in a safe, dreamy past--...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

How the garcia girls lost their accents

2004 || Paperback || Julia Alvarez || Bloomsbury Publishing

Yolanda Garcia is taking a trip to the Dominican Republic to revisit the country where she was born, and which her family was forced to flee for New York when she was a child. Previously privileged and wealthy, the family finds it hard to adjust to immigrant life in the Bronx, particularly their tough old-world father, Papi. As they try immerse themselves in the American way of life, Yolanda and her three sisters begin to rebel against Papi's traditions and values, each in their own way.


Levertijd: 15 werkdagen

The Everything American Government Book

From the Constitution to Present-Day Elections, All You Need to Understand Our Democratic System

2021 || Paperback || Nick Ragone || Adams Media Corporation

Understand everything you need to know about our democratic system—from the Constitution to present-day elections—with The Everything American Government Book.

If the confusion following the last presidential election is any indication, the average citizen knows precious little about the democratic system and the laws that affect their daily lives. The Everything American Government Book unravels the complexities of our democracy and provides you with the knowledge necessary to make the r...

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met 5% korting 59,80

Hoverflies of Northwest Europe / druk 1

identification keys to the Syrphidae

2004 || Hardcover || M.P. van Veen || KNNV Uitgeverij

Zweefvliegen van Europa herkennen en determineren. Een compleet en betrouwbaar determinatiewerk voor het op naam brengen van 500 soorten Noordwest-Europese zweefvliegen. Inclusief sleutels, soortbeschrijvingen en waarnemingstips. Rijk geïllustreerd met foto's en gedetailleerde tekeningen. Een belangrijk hulpmiddel voor entomologen en insectenliefhebbers.

Zweefvliegen (Diptera - Syrphidae) zijn schitterende insecten die algemeen - in elke tuin - voorkomen. Zij lijken op wespen, hommels en bij...