Resultaten (14)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Law and Economics of Cyber Security

|| Paperback || Bernold B.F.H. Nieuwesteeg || deLex B.V.

The vast increase in digital in insecurity - posed by ransomware, DDoS attacks and data breaches amongst others - requires an intelligent cyber security strategy. Government and industry can shape this strategy with legal instruments, such as regulations and contracts. However, very little is known regarding the social costs and benefits thereof. This is worrisome: cyber security expenditures will rise exponentially in the future as mankind becomes increasingly dependent on the digital world....

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The relationship between national and community trademark law / druk 1

2011 || Paperback || Tobias Cohen Jehoram || deLex B.V.

Trademark law has been harmonised to a very high level in the European Union. Still, we have to deal with national trademarks and Community trademarks which exist side by side. Having two seperate systems leads to frictions between harmonised and Community trademark law.

Many of the issues that we are currently faced with are discussed in the inaugual lecture of Tobias Cohen Jehoram, presented on 13 January 2011, accepting his position as Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Erasmus...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

European copyright code / druk 1

the Wittem Project

2011 || Paperback || deLex B.V.

From 2002 to 2010 a group of European scholars united in the ‘Wittem Group’ collaborated on drafting model provisions of a European Copyright Code.The members of the Wittem Group share a concern that the process of copyright law making at the European level lacks transparency and that the voice of academia too often remains unheard. The Group believes that a European Copyright Code drafted by legal scholars might serve as a model or reference tool for future harmonization or unification of ...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Law of Human Progress

2019 || Paperback || Daniel Gervais || deLex B.V.

The title of this inaugural lecture is The Law of Human Progress. It is a double-entendre. It signifies, first, that human progress is by no means a natural law, in the sense that people and societies do not always progress naturally. The title also suggests, however, that legislation can in many cases promote human progress. Progress and change are not synonymous. When change occurs, there is not necessarily progress. Change is only a difference between two points (A and B) on a timeline. Pr...