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Resultaten (23)
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Project Management / Druk 6
A practical Approach- English edition
2023 || Paperback || Grit Roel || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Project Management, A practical Approach is de Engelstalige editie van Projectmanagement.
- Verbeterde structuur en aandacht voor actuele onderwerpen als Scrum;
- zeer praktijkgerichte aanpak;
- website met flitscolleges, spreadsheetmodellen en checklists.
Project Management laat studenten op een unieke en laagdrempelige manier kennismaken met projectmatig werken om projecten succesvol aan te pakken. Niet alleen in het bedrijfsleven, ook in het onderwijs worden steeds meer werkzaamheden proje...
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Hospitality Experience / Druk 3
An Introduction to hospitality management
2022 || Paperback || Frans Melissen e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Provides a complete overview of the hospitality industry;
- includes an extensive chapter on intercultural hospitality experiences;
- offers interesting analysis as well as engaging real-world examples.
Hospitality Experience is an exciting introduction to hospitality management. Step-by-step it shows students how to create and manage unique hospitality experiences. The book provides clear answers to important questions regarding hospitality management, beginning with what it is and who the...
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101 Management Models
2010 || Paperback || Marijn Mulders || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Management models: many students will come across them in their studies, yet it is only when actually working with them that the function and benefit of management models are revealed. Students often find it hard to select and apply management models. This textbook will assist them to do so. 101 Management Models is aimed particularly at students of economic and technical studies and social sciences in higher education.
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Introduction to Facility Management
2020 || Paperback || Bernhard Drion e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Introduction to Facility Management is a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic and divers field of facility management. It answers questions such as: What is facility management? What does a facility management professional do? How can we classify FM-products and services? How do you set up a facility management organisation? How do you manage service processes using a master dashboard? Reflecting on current events, the book defines new and exciting roles for facility management profes...
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Stepping Stones Vmbo-kgt 1 FLEX book + online
2022 || Paperback || D.Derkse || Noordhoff
Stepping Stones opent de deuren naar de wereld! Alle leerlingen, van vmbo-b tot vwo+, ervaren dat ze zich in verschillende situaties kunnen redden in de nummer-1-wereldtaal. Daarbij staat het plezier in het leren altijd voorop: leerlingen worden verrast door de bronnen, onderwerpen, filmpjes en werkvormen. Met Stepping Stones 7e editie onderbouw belanden jouw leerlingen vanaf dag 1 volledig in de Engelstalige wereld. English as a world language staat centraal: de veelzijdigheid spat van de pa...
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International HRM / Druk 1
2019 || Paperback || M. de Bot || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Is an accessible guide to HRM in an international context;
- gives a complete overview of the field;
- offers immediate application of knowledge through engaging case studies.
An increasing number of organizations operate within an international context. An organization can send employees abroad, hire employees from abroad or outsource tasks to foreign companies. These international activities bring new challenges, especially when it comes to human resource management.
With International HR...
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Report writing for readers with little time / Druk 1
2012 || Paperback || Rien Elling e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
In Higher Education, the Dutch edition of Report writing for readers with little time is the textbook most widely used for the writing of reports of a technical nature while professional writers use it as a popular reference work.
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Managing your competencies / Druk 3
personal development plan
2012 || Paperback || Roel Grit e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Managing your competencies has been revised on the basis of the authors' experiences and reactions of users of earlier editions.
What is a competency? A competency is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude that you need to function well in specific professional situations. For example, a nurse must be able to inoculate a crying child. A nurse who cannot perform this task is regarded as incompetent - unfit to be a nurse. Likewise, a police officer must be able to pacify drunken pub vi...
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Making a business plan / Druk 3
2015 || Paperback || Roel Grit || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Today's educational regime requires that a student develops entrepreneurial qualities during her studies. Making a Business Plan offers a solid and coherent step-by-step approach to writing a business plan. This book contains two kinds of assignments: activities and extra assignments. The reader is encouraged to carry out the activities in order to complete a business plan for a new company. The extra assignments help to provide a better understanding of the reality of starting a new business...
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Solving Managerial Problems Systematically
2017 || Paperback || Hans Heerkens e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Solving Managerial Problems Systematically teaches the seven steps of General Business Problem Solving. With this system it will become clear what is the main problem and how it can be researched properly and subsequently solved. This studybook describes a problem as a analytical concept that can occur in all organizations and in any department. This methodology is therefor applicable in almost any situation. Solving Managerial Problems Systematically is intended for all hbo-courses where stu...