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Resultaten (160)
morgen verzonden
KADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society The Intimate
polity and the Catholic Church laws about life, death and the family in so-called Catholic countries
2015 || Paperback || Karel Dobbelaere e.a. || Leuven University Press
The waning influence of the Catholic church in the ethical and political debate.
For centuries the Catholic Church was able to impose her ethical rules in matters related to the intimate, that is, questions concerning life (from its beginning until its end) and the family, in the so-called Catholic countries in Western Europe. When the polity started to introduce legislation that was in opposition to the Catholic ethic, the ecclesiastical authorities and part of the population reacted. The me...
morgen verzonden
Scenes of Industrial Reconversion in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Coalfield
2019 || Paperback || Jorge Ribalta || Leuven University Press
The Nord-Pas-de-Calais mining region, bordering on Belgium, is part of northern Europe’s historical centre of heavy industry, which extends as far as the Ruhr area in Germany. With the end of coal mining in the 1980s, the Lille region transitioned to new economic activities, particularly within the cultural and creative industries, taking advantage of its strategic location midway between Paris, London and Brussels. After de-industrialisation and the 1984 opening of the Lewarde Mining Museu...
morgen verzonden
Oil Wealth and Development in Uganda and Beyond
Prospects, Opportunities and Challenges
2020 || Paperback || Arnim Langer e.a. || Leuven University Press
Large quantities of oil were discovered in the Albertine Rift Valley in Western Uganda in 2006. The sound management of these oil resources and revenues is undoubtedly one of the key public policy challenges for Uganda as it is for other African countries with large oil and/or gas endowments. With oil expected to start flowing in 2021, the current book analyses how this East African country is preparing for the challenge of effectively, efficiently, and transparently managing its oil sector a...
morgen verzonden
Colonial Legacies
Contemporary Lens-Based Art and the Democratic Republic of Congo
2021 || Paperback || Gabriella Nugent || Leuven University Press
In Colonial Legacies, Gabriella Nugent examines a generation of contemporary artists born or based in the Congo whose lens-based art attends to the afterlives and mutations of Belgian colonialism in postcolonial Congo. Focusing on three artists and one artist collective, Nugent analyses artworks produced by Sammy Baloji, Michèle Magema, Georges Senga and Kongo Astronauts, each of whom offers a different perspective onto this history gleaned from their own experiences. In their photography an...
morgen verzonden
From Bayreuth to Burkina Faso
Christoph Schlingensief’s Opera Village Africa as postcolonial Gesamtkunstwerk?
2022 || Paperback || Sarah Hegenbart || Leuven University Press
Opera Village, a participatory art experiment by the late German multimedia artist Christoph Schlingensief, serves as a testing ground for a critical interrogation of Richard Wagner’s notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Sarah Hegenbart traces the path from Wagner’s introduction of the Gesamtkunstwerk in Bayreuth to Schlingensief’s attempt to charge the idea of the total artwork with new meaning by transposing it to the West African country Burkina Faso. Schlingensief developed Opera Village ...
morgen verzonden
Building a White Nation
Propaganda, Photography, and the Apartheid Regime Between the Late 1940s and the Mid-1970s
2023 || Paperback || Katharina Jörder || Leuven University Press
Throughout the apartheid era South Africa maintained a wide-reaching propaganda apparatus. At its core was the information service that strongly capitalised on photography to visually articulate the minority regime’s racist political messages, promote Afrikaner nationalism, and consolidate white rule. By unearthing a substantial corpus of photographs that so far have been hidden in archives, this book offers a distinctive perspective on the institutional context of the regime’s photograph...
morgen verzonden
Re-Imagining Class
Intersectional Perspectives on Class Identity and Precarity in Contemporary Culture
2024 || Paperback || Michiel Rys e.a. || Leuven University Press
Contemporary culture not merely reflects ongoing societal transformations, it shapes our understanding of rapidly evolving class realities. Literature, theatre, and film urge us to put the question of class back on the agenda, and reconceptualize it through the lens of precarity and intersectionality. Relying on examples from British, French, Spanish, German, American, Swedish and Taiwanese culture, the contributors to this book document a variety of aesthetic strategies in an interdisciplina...
morgen verzonden
Queen Elizabeth II and the Africans
Narrating Decolonization, Postwar Commonwealth, and Africa’s Development, 1947 – 2022
2024 || Paperback || Leuven University Press
morgen verzonden
Mediaevalia Lovaniensia - Series 1/Studia Between Text and Tradition
Pietro d’Abano and the reception of pseudo-Aristotle’s problemata physica in the Middle Ages
2016 || Paperback || Pieter de Leemans e.a. || Leuven University Press
New insights into Pietro d'Abano's unique approach to translations.
The commentary of the Italian physician and philosopher Pietro d'Abano on Bartholomew of Messina's Latin translation of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica, published in 1310, constitutes an important historical source. In a section of the corpus Aristotelicum that was not part of the standard curriculum at the medieval university, the commentary of Pietro d'Abano investigates the complex relationship between text, translat...
morgen verzonden
The Housing Project
discourses, ideals, models and politics in 20th century exhibitions
2020 || Paperback || Gaia Caramellino e.a. || Leuven University Press
Throughout the twentieth century housing displays have proven to be a singular genre of architectural and design exhibitions. By crossing geographies and adopting multiple scales of observation – from domestic space to urban visions – this volume investigates a set of unexplored events devoted to housing and dwelling, organised by technical, professional, cultural or governmental institutions from the interwar years to the Cold War. The book offers a first critical assessment of twentieth...