
2023 (12)
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Resultaten (29)

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Dieric Bouts - Creator of images

creator of images

2023 || Hardcover || Peter Carpreau || Hannibal Books

A contemporary view of the masterly works of Dieric Bouts

Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/20-75) is one of the most elusive figures in the history of Western art. Flemish primitive of the second generation, painter of silence – such are the labels that are usually attributed to him. But was the Master of Brabant not more than that?

This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had b...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Arcimboldo, Bassano, Bruegel – Nature’s Times and Seasons

2025 || Hardcover || Francesca Del Torre Scheuch || Hannibal Books

Unique publication accompanying the astonishing exhibition on nature in the works of Arcimboldo, Bruegel, and BassanoHow did people in the Renaissance perceive nature and time? How were these relationships visualized in art? And what role did the fascinating cycles of seasons and months – expressed in ever-new and diverse forms – play in this context?These are some of the central questions explored in this volume. Masterpieces by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Jacopo and L...

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The Avant-Garde in Georgia (1900-1936)

2023 || Hardcover || Nana Kipiani e.a. || Hannibal Books

A short but flourishing era of Avant-Garde in Georgia brought back to life

In the turbulent global context following the fall of the Russian Empire and the October Revolution, Georgia declared its independence in 1918. Between then and the beginning of Soviet rule in 1921, an Avant-Garde creative scene burgeoned. Artists met, mainly in the many taverns and cafés in Kutaisi and the capital Tbilisi, to organise multidisciplinary events. Their frequent collaborations and interactions, which bor...

Leverbaar vanaf 15 april

Between Faith and Vanity – Medieval Books of Hours and Their Readership

2025 || Hardcover || Evelien Hauwaerts || Hannibal Books

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David Claerbout, Works

The Silence of the Lens

2022 || Hardcover || David Claerbout e.a. || Hannibal Books

Langverwachte monografie van videokunstenaar David Claerbout

In een gesprek met Jonathan Pouthier, filmcurator van het Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou (Parijs, Frankrijk), reflecteert videokunstenaar David Claerbout voor het eerst in de diepte over zijn werk van de afgelopen tien jaar in relatie tot actuele discussies over fotografie, film en het virtuele. The Silence of the Lens biedt een unieke inkijk in het maakproces van recente videowerken als The Close, Aircraft (F.A.L....

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Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration

28 Years of Collaboration

2022 || Hardcover || Mark Manders || Hannibal Books

Diepgaand overzicht van het oeuvre van kunstenaar Mark Manders

Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration biedt een overzicht van de langdurige samenwerking tussen kunstenaar Mark Manders (°1968) en Zeno X Gallery in Antwerpen. De publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van zijn recentste solotentoonstelling in de galerie en belicht enkele belangrijke exposities en bijzondere projecten waarvoor Manders in binnen- en buitenland werd uitgenodigd van de jaren negentig tot nu.


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The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

The Official Museum Book

2023 || Hardcover || Cäcilia Bischoff || Hannibal Books

Unique insight into one of the world's largest collections of European art

With its aesthetically powerful interior architecture, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna on Maria-Theresien-Platz is completely unique in terms of architecture and interior design. Showcasing the museum in all its glory, this luxurious volume is the definitive reference to the museum and a sumptuous showcase of the permanent collection. The book creates a fascinating dialogue between the greatest artists and their wo...

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A story of encounters

2023 || Hardcover || Nino Simonishvili e.a. || Hannibal Books

First catalogue to offer an overview of Georgia’s rich cultural history

Thanks to its location between two continents, Georgia has traditionally formed a bridge between East and West. A Story of Encounters reflects the exceptional art, culture, and history of the country from the Neolithic to the eighteenth century. Especially in the “golden age” of united Georgia, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the country experienced an unprecedented cultural and economic boom.

This bo...

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Pélagie Gbaguidi

2022 || Hardcover || Pélagie Gbaguidi || Hannibal Books

Het geëngageerde oeuvre van Pélagie Gbaguidi

In deze publicatie toont Pélagie Gbaguidi (°1965) nieuwe schilderijen, werken met textiel en tekeningen. De kunstenares ziet zichzelf als een hedendaagse ‘griot’, iemand die het individuele geheugen en het voorouderlijke verleden met elkaar verbindt. Haar werk is een lezing van de tekenen en sporen van trauma en gaat de confrontatie aan met koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenissen. Ze hercontextualiseert archieven en verhalen om het proce...

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Van Antwerpen naar Amsterdam – Schilderkunst uit de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw ENGELS

2023 || Hardcover || Hannibal Books

Promotionele tekst

This book presents over ninety masterpieces by Flemish and Dutch artists to show how seventeenth-century Dutch painting could never have flourished the way it did without the foundations laid in sixteenth-century Antwerp. Thoroughly researched, it tells the story of the talented and accomplished artists and merchants who migrated north in search of religious liberty and new commercial opportunities after Antwerp fell to Spanish Catholic troops in 1585.

From Antwerp to Amste...