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Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Hematopathology / 2nd edition

2016 || Hardcover || Elaine Sarkin Jaffe e.a. || Elsevier

The world's leading reference in hematopathology returns with this completely updated second edition. Authored by international experts in the field, it covers a broad range of hematologic disorders -- both benign and malignant -- with information on the pathogenesis, clinical and pathologic diagnosis, and treatment for each. Comprehensive in scope, it's a must-have resource for both residents and practicing pathologists alike.

Authored by the chief architects of the WHO classification in neo...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Primer of Diagnostic Imaging

Expert Consult - Online and Print

2018 || Paperback || Mukesh Harisinghani e.a. || Elsevier

Widely known as THE survival guide for radiology residents, fellows, and junior faculty, the "purple book" provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of diagnostic imaging in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Focusing on the core information you need for learning and practice, this portable resource combines the full range of diagnostic imaging applications with the latest imaging modalities, making it the perfect clinical companion and review tool. Features more than 1,200 detailed illustra...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children

Expert Consult - Online and Print - 4th Edition

2018 || Hardcover || Charles J Cote e.a. || Elsevier

Covering everything from preoperative evaluation to neonatal emergencies to the PACU, A Practice of Anesthesia in Infants and Children, 6th Edition, features state-of-the-art advice on the safe, effective administration of general and regional anesthesia to young patients. It reviews underlying scientific information, addresses preoperative assessment and anesthesia management in detail, and provides guidelines for postoperative care, emergencies, and special procedures. Comprehensive in scop...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis / 3rd edition

A Book of Lists

2018 || Paperback || North Carolina.) Brevard DABVP(Canine and Feline) (Brevard Animal Hospital DVM Mark Thompson || Elsevier

Get instant access to the critical data you need to make accurate diagnoses and effectively plan treatment. Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis, 3rd Edition combines over 400 expert resources and boils them down into one easy-to-use reference covering the differential diagnosis, etiology, clinical signs, and relevant laboratory abnormalities of the most common conditions you will encounter in dogs and cats. And because of its pocket size and intuitive organization, you can have it on ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

WilliamTextbook of Endocrinology / 14th edition

2019 || Hardcover || Shlomo Melmed e.a. || Elsevier

Expertly bridging the gap between basic science and clinical information, Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 14th Edition, brings together an outstanding collection of world-renowned authors to provide authoritative discussions of the full spectrum of adult and pediatric endocrine system disorders. New chapters and significant revisions throughout keep you up to date with recent advances in medications, therapies, clinical trials, and more. This essential reference is a must-have resource fo...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology / 14th Edition

2020 || Hardcover || Hall || Elsevier || ook als eBook

Known for its clear presentation style, single-author voice, and focus on content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th Edition, employs a distinctive format to ensure maximum learning and retention of complex concepts. A larger font size emphasizes core information, while supporting information, including clinical examples, are detailed in smaller font and highlighted in pale blue - making it easy to quickly skim the essenti...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Dermatology DDX Deck / 3rd edition

2019 || Paperback || James G. Dinulos e.a. || Elsevier

Here's your completely portable, uniquely convenient diagnostic tool to compare potential diagnoses visually, side by side. Each card in this deck includes full-color images and information about a particular diagnosis, as well as cross references (DDx refs) to other potential diagnoses. It's the perfect pocket-sized reference for front-line dermatologic diagnosis.

40% images new to this edition-including more images representing skin of color-as well as updated treatment options throughout. ...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Larsen's Human Embryology / 6th Edition

2021 || Paperback || Gary C. Schoenwolf e.a. || Elsevier

Offering a well-organized, straightforward approach to a highly complex subject, Larsen's Human Embryology, 6th Edition, provides easy-to-read, comprehensive coverage of human embryonic development for today's students. It integrates anatomy and histology with cellular and molecular mechanisms, focusing on both normal development and congenital anomalies. Highly illustrated with superb drawings and photographs, it features a strong clinical focus based on the most up-to-date scientific discov...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease / 7th edition

2022 || Hardcover || James F. Zachary || Elsevier

Use the veterinarian's #1 reference on general pathology and the pathology of organ systems! Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, 7th Edition helps you understand and diagnose diseases of domestic animals by using the latest scientific and medical research. Focusing on dogs, cats horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, this reference describes and vividly illustrates and explores the pathogeneses of animal diseases, how cells and tissues respond to injury, and the morphology (lesions) of t...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Ryan's Retina

2022 || Hardcover || SriniVas R. Sadda e.a. || Elsevier

Through six outstanding and award-winning editions, Ryan's Retina has offered unsurpassed coverage of this complex subspecialty-everything from basic science through the latest research, therapeutics, technology, and surgical techniques. The fully revised 7th Edition, edited by Drs. SriniVas R.

Sadda, Andrew P. Schachat, Charles P. Wilkinson, David R.

Hinton, Peter Wiedemann, K. Bailey Freund, and David Sarraf, continues the tradition of excellence, balancing the latest scientific research an...