› Politicologie (18)
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Resultaten (46)
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Introduction to Intelligence
2023 || Paperback || Acuff || CQ Press
Introduction to Intelligence: Institutions, Operations, and Analysis offers a strategic, international, and comparative approach to covering intelligence organizations and domestic security issues.
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Crossing Borders / Druk 4
2023 || Paperback || Chernotsky || CQ Press
Crossing Borders employs an interdisciplinary approach that allows students to recognize, understand and challenge the arena of international studies.
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Russian Foreign Policy: Interests, Vectors, and Sectors
2023 || Paperback || Gvosdev || CQ Press
Gvosdev and Marsh's text covers not only contemporary Russian policies towards the various regions of the world, but also looks at the interactions between the various constituencies that shape and influence Russian foreign policy.
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Statistics for Political Analysis: Understanding the Numbers
2023 || Paperback || Marchant-Shapiro || CQ Press
This book focuses on the statistical tools most often used by political scientists and uses political examples, cases, and data throughout to show students how to answer real questions about politics using real political data.
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Minorities and Representation in American Politics
2023 || Paperback || Herrick || CQ Press
The first book of its kind to examine race, ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities revealing the similarities and differences of groups' underrepresentation.
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Urban Politics: A Reader
2023 || Paperback || McGovern || CQ Press
This book examines the evolving structure of political power in American cities revealing how changes in society relate to the global and national economy, immigration and internal migration, racial and ethnic transition, and how technological advances affect city politics.
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Congress A to Z / Druk 6
2023 || Hardcover || CQ Press || CQ Press
With more than 250 entries, arranged in encyclopaedic A-to-Z format, this updated sixth edition provides insight into the key questions readers have about the U.S. Congress and helps them make sense of the narrow power division between Republicans and Democrats.
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The Art of Policymaking: Tools, Techniques and Processes in the Modern Executive Branch / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Shambaugh || CQ Press
Provides students and practitioners with a detailed explanation of the specific tools, techniques, and processes used to create policy in the U.S.
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Challenges for America in the Middle East
2023 || Paperback || Mansbach || CQ Press
This book offers a contemporary analysis of the foreign policy challenges the United States faces in the Middle East and takes a close look at the critical policy dilemmas posed by radical Islam, the Arab Spring, the Shia Crescent, and Israel -Palestine relations.
maandag verzonden
Politics and the Media
2023 || Paperback || Hall || CQ Press
From the roles of race and gender in American politics to the 2020 elections and the global coronavirus pandemic, Politics and the Media: Intersections and New Directions examines how media and political institutions interact to shape public thinking and debates around social problems, cultural norms, and policies.