› Delves-Yates (4)
› Elcock (4)
› Cook (3)
» Toon alle opties (11)
› Barker (2)
› Barr (2)
› Deslandes (2)
› Harvey (2)
› Lidster (2)
› Linsley (2)
› Marij Schielke (2)
› McGloin (2)
› Trenoweth (2)
› Welch (2)
Resultaten (70)
Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Harvey || SAGE
This book builds your understanding so you can confidently consume research and conduct your own nursing or midwifery research project.
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Essentials of Nursing Practice / Druk 3
2023 || Hardcover || Delves-Yates || SAGE
A complete resource covering the key subjects nursing students need to know. It addresses all fields of practice and all settings, with a wealth of activities designed to encourage critical thinking, reflection and evidence-based practice.
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Student Practice Supervision and Assessment / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Lidster || Learning Matters
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Effective Communication for Nursing Associates
2023 || Hardcover || Welch || Learning Matters
Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book introduces TNAs to the theory and practice of effective communication. Building confidence in communicating across different settings and with diverse patients, families, carers and the MDT, the book uses case studies and activities to help TNAs develop their own unique voice.
Evidence-based Practice for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals / Druk 5
2023 || Paperback || Linsley || SAGE
Guides nursing and healthcare students through the concept of evidence-based practice, explaining what it is, why it is important and providing practical guidance on its utilisation in clinical practice.
Diversity and Cultural Awareness in Nursing Practice
2023 || Paperback || Beverley Brathwaite || SAGE
Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book explores core nursing knowledge, skills and attributes through the lens of diversity, from assessment and care planning to effective communication and person-centred care.
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Leerboek pediatrie voor verpleegkundigen
2023 || Paperback || Marissa Lauryssen e.a. || Acco
Ruim 19% van de Vlaamse bevolking bestaat anno 2020 uit minderjarigen (Opgroeien, 2021). Het zorgaanbod voor minderjarigen is zeer divers en vindt zowel binnen als buiten de ziekenhuismuren plaats. Een verpleegkundige kan dus binnen verschillende zorgsettings met de pediatrische zorgvrager in contact komen.Kinderen maken van bij hun geboorte tot de volwassen leeftijd zowel fysiek als mentaal een enorme evolutie door. Hierdoor ervaart het kind specifieke zorgbehoeften en heeft het nood aan een...
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Understanding Supervision and Assessment in Nursing
2023 || Hardcover || Feeney || SAGE
A practical guide for registered nurses, in all fields, who are planning to undertake one of the new supervisor or assessor roles outlined in the latest NMC standards, or experienced practitioners looking to update their skills for the new NMC Educational Framework.
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Mental Health Medicines Management for Nurses / Druk 3
2023 || Hardcover || Mutsatsa || Learning Matters
This new edition has been updated in-line with the latest NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses and continues to provide nursing students with guidance on how to manage medicines safely and effectively when treating patients with mental health conditions.
Psychology for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals: Developing Compassionate Care
2023 || Paperback || Barker || SAGE
Focusing particularly on compassionate care, this practical textbook covers all aspects of psychology relevant to nursing and healthcare students.